Hand Balance
AKA Handbalance
Any move in which the body is held balanced on the hands usually the regular handstand.

AKA Hand Stand
Usually the normal position of the body held balanced on the hands and extended in a straight or curved line. Standing upright on the hands.

One Hand Handstand
AKA One-Hand Handstand, One Arm Stand, One Arm Handstand, etc.
Any balance done on one hand, usually just in the normal handstand position except for the use of one hand.

AKA Gargoyle, Knees-on-Elbow Stand, Squat Balance
One of the easiest balances to master. From a squat position the arms are bent and the knees are placed on the outside of the elbows to support the weight. The body is then balanced on the hands.

A balance done on the head. Usually the hands are used though they can be put in different positions for variation. Advanced balancers can do the headstand on only the head.

Handstand Pushup
AKA Handstand Pressup, Handstand Dip, HSPU
A regular press done lowering the body in a handstand position just so the the head or nose touches the ground followed be pressing back up. Commonly done against the wall to build strength. There are various ways to go about it while in a freestanding balance.

AKA Walking on Hands
In the handstand position taking steps with the hands just like walking with the feet. Forward is easiest but you can go left, right, backwards, and in circles too. Made easier by overbalancing slightly in the direction you are moving.

Forearm Stand
AKA Tiger Stand, Lion Stand, Elbow Stand
An interesting move that is fairly uncommon these days. Like a handstand except that the body is balanced along the length of the forearms and hands.

Tiger Bend
A pressing movement where the hand balancer goes from a forearm stand up into the handstand. A very difficult move requiring great tricep strength.

A move where the body is held completely horizontal to the ground on arms that are straight. For the true planche the back should not be arched. Easier when done straddled and harder with legs straight.

Reverse Planche
AKA The Grand Arch
From a handstand the chest is brought forward, opening up the shoulders, while the legs reach behind almost coming to the floor. Like a planche except the chest is facing upwards. Can be done by raising feet off of the floor instead of coming down from handstand.

Tuck Planche
Much easier move the the normal planche. With knees tucked into chest press with arms into floor raising the body off the floor. Can progressively straighten out the body to make it harder.

Elbow Lever
AKA Half Planche, Half-Arm Planche, Bent-Arm Planche, Half Lever
Much easier move than the regular planche. The arms are bent and the horizontal body is allowed to rest against the elbows and upper arms. Can be done as a one-arm variety.

AKA L-Seat
The ‘L’ position is formed by keeping your legs straight, and can be done hanging on parallel bars. For this move you maintain this position on the ground with your legs raised off the ground and only your hands touching. Requires strong abs.

AKA V-Seat
The ‘V’ position is an extension of the ‘L’ where as your legs are brought up higher. Requires even stronger abs and compression ability.

A movement where you go up into a handstand. Can be divided into two types, straight arm presses and bent arm presses.

Straight Arm Press
Any press where the arms are kept locked out and the body is raised by act of the midsection. Requires tremendous strength and flexibility.

Bent Arm Press
Any press where the arms are bent. The body is raised into the handstand with bent arms. To complete the movement (can be done while the body is moving) the arms are pressed to lock-out.

The lowering part of any movement as in the press.

Legs spread apart.

Legs kept together.

The Crucifix
AKA Japanese Handstand
A handstand position with the arms held out wide in a ‘crucifix’ position. Requires more balance and strength to hold.

Back Extension
AKA Backward Roll-Up to Handstand
A backwards roll where the arms are used to press up into a handstand.

Hollow Back
AKA Prone Press
From laying face down on the ground press with the arms up into the handstand. Takes a high degree of chest, arm and shoulder strength.

AKA Worm Into Handstand
Can start this move from standing, on knees, or laying chest down on the ground. Start rocking forward then press up into the handstand. Similar to the hollow back except the momentum aids you in pressing.

When in a hand balance if you are falling towards your front, meaning back where you kicked-up or pressed from, you are underbalancing. This is saved by letting up on the finger pressure, or in extreme circumstances weaving the shoulders forward or bending the elbows.

When in a hand balance if you are falling over towards your back you are overbalancing. You stop from overbalancing by digging in with the fingertips, weaving the shoulders back or tilting the head down.

Have a skill or concept you want to see added to the Glossary? I know this list isn’t complete and there is much to be added so submit your ideas by sending an email to [email protected]. The name and/or description, whatever you have. Thanks for helping this list become complete.

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  1. Wow! I had no idea there were so many variations! Thanks! 🙂

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