Are Handstands Possible at an Older Age?


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Hey everybody.  Every now and then we get some feedback on not just how do start balancing with your hands, but also is it attainable at an older age. Luckily while browsing through the archives I was able to find Logan’s opinion on the subject.  Mindful movement is the key. So, if this is an endeavor you want to jump into, listen to your body and watch the video below for tips.

Now that you’ve watched the video, we found an excellent example of performing acrobatics as an older adult. This gentleman’s name is Lee Mowatt and if I remember right, he did this video at 64 years old(don’t fully quote me on that!)


Take a look at his stabilization and control below.

If you want to get better at your mindful movement pick up our Advanced Bodyweight Training Bundle!

Stay Inverted!
-Coach Jon

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2 Responses to Are Handstands Possible at an Older Age?

  1. Lee Mowatt October 11, 2016 at 4:17 pm #

    I was actually 63 when that video was taken. I am now 66 and am doing even more than I did back then. You can visit my youtube channel to see my other stunts and videos. Contact me to get permission for sharing more.
    Lee Mowatt

    • Mike Duffy June 26, 2018 at 7:55 am #

      Hey Lee,
      Steve Edwards told me about what you are doing and how crazy you’ve become.
      Liked your video.
      Get back to me when you can

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