Jump Back to Kip Up

I received this great question regarding a move that henceforth will be referred to as the Jump Back to Kip Up.

Good morning Logan,
I wanted to thank you for this – It really refreshing to see another person instruct something that is commonly mistaught – spotting.

I had a question. I have seen people in movies, like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, go from a stand to a jump to a leaning back movement that lands them in a position to kip back to stand in pike…can you tell me what that’s called and perhaps how to learn to do it without breaking my neck?

He showed a video from that movie but it was long so I hunted around for a shorter one that shows just this move and I found one.

First of all let’s talk about the name. Just searching to find this video wasn’t easy because I had to try a number of different words to find it. Is their an official name for this move? I am unaware of one, but if it does have one please let me know.

Right now I’m calling it the jump back to kip up. The kip up of course is the name for the jumping up off the ground, so the jump back refers to getting into that position.

So now let’s talk about what it would actually take in order to train for this movement. Let me start by saying that I have not achieved this movement, as I’ve never worked on it. But this is the approach I would take if I wanted to learn it right now.

Number 1 – Master the Kip Up

The kip up is obviously an important part to this movement. It should be easy to do any time you try, before working towards this advanced movement. Though the hands are used in the jump back to kip up, I would build up to the ability to do the kip up hands free.

Number 2 – Handstand Lower to Kip Up

Starting in a handstand position lower down onto the back of your head, with your legs over you. When you can do this, then add the kip up into it. This will train you to go into the kip up without the usually used rolling back method, or just starting on the ground. It works towards the transition that is needed.

Number 3 – Stalled Back Handsprings

Do a back handspring stopping in the handstand position. This is tougher then in sounds. Yet this will build the control and ability you need towards the full movement. If you can stick the handstand you could then lower down and then kip up.

Number 4 – Short Back Handsprings

Do the back handspring like before but have less and less jump to it, so that you don’t get a vertical position. Learn to land in control on your hands and your upper back.

It should go without saying that I recommend practicing all these skills in a safe environment.

Putting it All Together

When you watch the video again notice it’s not much of a back handspring and it doesn’t get anywhere close to the handstand position. Still training all these exercises will help you develop that ability.

It may be a slow approach, but just about anyone with dedicated practice should be able to work up to the jump back to kip up.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

For lots more tumbling exercises like this one I recommend checking out Tumbling Illustrated. With 248 moves you’re sure to find many you can do, and many you can’t.

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4 Responses to Jump Back to Kip Up

  1. s April 11, 2012 at 2:59 pm #

    Its called a suicide kip up. Its a bboy move and I think the most recent damian walters sampler has him doing a 360 version

    • admin April 16, 2012 at 9:17 am #

      @s: Yeah he does have it in that video. Suicide kip up? I like that.

  2. j April 17, 2012 at 3:55 am #

    I do acrobatic gymnastics, and this is a legitimate skill that you can compete – i don’t think it really has a name in acro though.
    It’s surprisingly easy to learn once you’ve mastered the kip up, and I don’t think you need to bother with all the steps above – especially not the stalled back handspring. When I learnt it I practiced backhandsprings to land in handstand with an immediate forward roll out of it. And then gradually just slowed down the forward roll until it was slow enough to kip out of. Using that approach it literally only took me about 15 minutes to learn.


  1. Kip Up to Handstand | Lost Art of Hand Balancing - April 10, 2012

    […] I came across this video when looking for one showing the jump back to a kip up. […]

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