Mini-Handbalancing Work for a Mini-Holiday

Usually I am able to send out a post from my studio space in Sunnyvale, California; but today I’m sending out good vibes from Sunny Los Angeles while taking a mini getaway vacation. A couple of fun things involved checking out the KTOWN Night Market and today its all about hanging and training at Santa Monica Beach!

Which brings me to my next point. How do you make yourself work on your skills or even skill development while away?

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

Finding time to work on your skills in an unfamiliar place can be a difficult.

Luckily for me, my morning routine is pretty much set internally whether I’m surrounded by familiarity  or by new and epic experiences.

Although, just like any trip, preparation can be key and obviously we’re here to help!

So here are a few tips to get you going!

  1. We all know that you probably have a set list of things that you want to do while you’re away. So make sure you add a block of time for your training when you know you’ll get it done without distractions. If you think forward, you’ll be better prepped.
  2. Add a fitness tracker app to your phone. There are a lot of good ones out there that will keep you accountable, even when you’re not on a normal schedule.
  3. Final tip, check out the local parks. Likelihood is that there will be a good one a mile or two away from you if you’re in a city. This sets you up for a nice warm up run and cool down for your session,


Some of you might be away from everything. Out in the middle of nowhere. If you are, then this is the perfect time to perfect your skillwork like your precision jumps or even the handstand pushup!

I hope these tips help you get a headstart to being healthy and active on your downtime. If you need some help on what skill to develop, check out logan performing the Handstand Pushup below!

Stay Inverted!
-Jonathan Magno

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