Tag Archives | Decent Workout

Combining Kettlebell Juggling with Acrobatics

The other day I went to a park that’s only a couple blocks away to do a little bit of training.

Nothing scheduled, just to work on some skills and have a little fun.

Various acrobatic moves. I’m always working on the backflip in order to get better. Plus walking around on the hands and the like.

On top of that I brought along a kettlebell. Not a heavy one, only 35 lbs., to do some kettlebell juggling.

I always enjoy this combo. Acrobatic work along with the kettlebell juggling.

Besides them both being fun I find that the juggling tends to work the body in ways hand balancing and tumbling doesn’t.

Toss the weight around. Do a few backflips. Toss it around some more. Work on a one hand handstand. And so on and so forth.

Thirty minutes will blow by so quick and in that time you’ll achieved much. Get a decent workout without trying hard at all. But most importantly you’ll quickly improve your skills. Especially if you string a few practices like this together on a consistent basis.

Now I know that kettlebell juggling isn’t for everyone, nor is hand balancing for that matter. But if you like one I think you should at least give the other a spin.

Over the years I’ve gotten quite good with the kettlebell juggling. And now I can teach you all my moves.

I just released a two DVD set covering everything I know about kettlebell juggling.

I like to keep the various sites I have separate because I know some people are only interested in certain aspects of training. Which is fine and why in general I do just that.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

But I just wanted to put out this one notice in case anyone who would be interested missed my other websites.

Like I said before I think they go well together. So give it a shot, you’ll be glad you did. Click here for The Definitve Guide to Kettlebell Juggling

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Of course you need a kettlebell to get started and if you don’t have one you can get the best here.

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