Tag Archives | Forearms

Tiger Bend

I was shooting some video a couple days ago doing a variety of hand balancing stunts. One of them was the Forearm Stand. Prof. Orlick also called it a Tiger Stand. From the stand you can do what is called a Tiger Bend, but we’ll start with the stand first.

This is a great trick in and of itself but its also a good way to work up to a full on handstand. Since you are resting on your entire lower arm and hand you have a bigger base with which to balance.

One you overcome the oddness factor of trying this exercise for the first time you can see the benefits. All the main points of holding a handstand are still there, like keeping tight, but you may have to arch your back a little more for this one.

Of course the ultimate goal with this exercise is to do what’s known as a Tiger Bend. An advanced exercise for sure. It involves going from the Forearm Stand up into a Handstand. With a little overbalancing and strong triceps you can get there.

Sig Klein doing a Tiger Bend

Since few of us will be able to pull that one off at the present time here are two easier ways. Do the negative movement which is dropping from a Handstand into a Forearm Stand. When you go for this don’t just fall into the position but control it as much as possible.

You can also do Tiger Bend Pushups. Get in a normal pushup position except you are resting on your forearms instead of the hands. Without any rocking motion pushup on to your hands to the top position and lower back down.

You don’t see these moves too often but that doesn’t mean they aren’t great.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. For the super advanced hand balancer you can try to duplicate Johnny Weber’s one arm Tiger Bend. Find out how to do it in The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing. The picture above is of Sig Klein from the same book.

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The Secret to Hand Balancing is…

Some people say that there are no secrets left in the world. If you ask me, that is pure B.S. If you don’t know something then that something is a secret to you. If there were no secrets in hand balancing then no one would be buying The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing.

If you want to get good at anything, learn from the experts. Professor Paulinetti and Bob Jones would certainly fit under that definition.

Actually there are many secrets to hand balancing. Today, I want to cover just one of these so here it is.

It is called ‘hand balancing’ for a reason. I have watched many people kick up into a handstand only to be on the ground moments latter. One of the major points they lack is the sensitivity in the hands that is required.

Don’t miss a word of this, you must balance by the action of your hands. No flailing of your legs or weaving your body back and forth. Its all in the hands.

Take a moment right now to step away from your computer and kick-up into a handstand. Get a feel for the control in your hands.

This kind of control is why great hand balancers have not only strong and muscled arms, but forearms to match.

When you take this little key and master it, staying in a handstand becomes a simple task. Just imagine that…

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

This is just one piece of advice that can help you in a big way. To learn many more secrets from true masters of this art get your copy of The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing

Logan Christopher

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