Tag Archives | hand balancing blocks

5 Simple Hand Balancing Drills

Running out of ideas for your hand balancing training? Here are five exercises which will help you get back in shape for more advanced hand-balancing moves. Three drills shown below are done with the help of hand balancing blocks, while the last two can be practiced without any equipment.

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Ready to take your hand balancing to a “higher” level? Get your hand balancing canes today to immediately improve your hand balancing skills.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon
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Three Simple Drills on Hand Balancing Blocks

Another video from Yuval Ayalon brings us three simple hand balancing drills on cubes, which can be done separately or in combination depending on one’s skill level. These are great for those who are still new to training on hand balancing canes and serve as a good preparation tool for more advanced moves.

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

For more information on these cubes feel free to contact Yuval at yuvalonhands (at) gmail dot com, but if you’re more interested in hand balancing canes head over to this page right now.

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