Tag Archives | Simple Steps

Increase your Hand Balancing Abilities

Got a question from Patrick. “I am a beginner at hand balancing. How can I find exercises and stretching drills thats will increase my abilities”

C’mon people. This is a call to all who submit questions. Be more specific. I can provide better answer when I know what you want. In fact the more detailed the better.But I will take a blind shot at this question.

To increase your abilities you need to work on the specific abilities themselves. I’m going to assume that you’re talking about your hand balancing abilities.

Depending on what you are specifically having trouble with this could mean any number of things.

If your having problems with balancing than I would recommend even easier skills than the handstand itself. Skills like the frogstand, headstand and forearm stand. Here’s the easiest way to learn how to do the handstand.

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

If you need strength I would recommend holding handstands against the wall and doing handstand pushups.

For flexibility, lets say in the shoulder region, you can do many drills. In a handstand against the wall you can bring your chest outward thus working the shoulder flexibility. That’s just one example of many. The gymnastic bridge also works wonders and for more than just the shoulders.

The concepts are universally applied to almost any exercise question. If you can analyze where you are at and where you want to be than break that down into things to work on you can attain any goal.

It’s a useful skill to have. Breaking down the seemingly complex into simple steps to follow.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Now if you want the whole hand balancing plan laid out for you than I recommend you check this one out – Hand Balancing Mastery Course.

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Achieving Handbalancing Success in 2008

If you celebrate Christmas then I hope you had a wonderful time yesterday. If not, well then I still hope you had a great day. But Christmas means one thing is coming.

That’s right, the end of the year is fast approaching. I have always found the new year is a reflective time for myself. But it is also a time for forward thinking.I spend a full day, and sometimes more, reviewing the past year and planning the next.This goes way beyond a simple New Year’s Resolution which is almost destined to fail. Instead it is more like a dissertation on the major components of my life and a long list of goals.Every year my system gets better and I expect this time to be no different.

Of course hand balancing and all aspects of my physical training make up one of those sections.

It starts with going over my results from the last year. Since I keep a training journal I can look over the various workouts I have done. What worked best and what didn’t. Which ways of training really made the biggest gains.

The second step is to figure out what I really want to accomplish. Since I have so many goals and dreams I have to pick out the ones I have a burning desire for and work toward those first.

Others get completed without much effort and some just fall away. In the future I can always reset my priorities to complete any goal. But its important to focus on just a few at a time.

The third step is smart planning. What you need to do is break down a big goal into small and simple steps and plan when you will complete those steps. Just follow your formula and the goal becomes a matter of time.

This applies to all aspects of life whether its business, relationships, nutrition, or training.

But since you are here for the hand balancing I will take an example from there. You need a plan in order reach a goal. Instead of creating one yourself, why not just follow one that is already complete.

All you have to do is select your goal from the Hand Balancing Mastery Course then keep to the steps Prof. Orlick lays out.

If your goal is to be able to perform a handstand for one minute then just work backwards from that point. If you can hold the handstand for only 5 seconds right now then all you have to do is add second by second until you get there.

Perhaps give yourself two months to reach your goal. Figure out where you should be week by week then go after it.

The birth of a new year is a powerful time. Instead of just celebrating it, use it to accelerate into 2008 with fury.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

P.S. 2008 will be a big year for the Lost Art of Hand Balancing website. It will be incredible as this year has been and I want to thank you for being along for the ride.

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Professor Orlick on the One Hand Handstand

One question from the survey a couple weeks back was for me to inform you about my current training.

Well, my main goal has been the one hand handstand. I’ve wanted to be able to do this move for a long, long time. Finally I am actually going after it.

A big help in learning how to do this elusive stunt was reading How to do a One-Hand Handstand by Professor E.M. Orlick. He breaks it down into such simple steps that you can’t but help eventually get the move.

For example, there are a series of training tips and lead-up stunts that will help you ’to own’ this stunt. Some of them involve lessening your base.

Let me explain. In a normal handstand your hands are shoulder width apart. The One Hand Handstand involves a base much smaller – just a single hand! So not only are you not getting the benefit of using two hands in the normal handstand but you are eliminating the foot of space between your hands. This makes the One Hand Handstand at least ten times the difficulty of the normal handstand.

One move to help with this, the Professor explains, is just a handstand with your thumbs touching. Your base is now smaller by a certain degree but you still have two hands to use. Still when you first give this a shot you may find yourself not just over or under balancing but falling to the sides as well.

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

When this move gets easy you can do a hand-on-hand handstand.

This is one of many helpful ways to get the coveted One Hand Handstand. Now I haven’t pulled it off yet, but I am over halfway there.

How to do a One-Hand Handstand is only one of three books inside the Hand Balancing Mastery Course. Next time you’ll see what the other’s are about and some other details of the course.

Don’t forget you can win a copy by sending in your success story.

The contest is in full force. While I have received entries, I’m sure many are polishing up their story, getting their pictures ready and more before turning it in.

And I’ve decided on a end date for the contest. Get you entries in by midnight of Monday, November 19th. Anything later than that will not be eligible to win the prize. That’s less than two weeks away. I realize that many of you are overseas so it would be wise to send them in early.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. In case you missed the contest details you can read all about it below.

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