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Fish Tail Press Up to Handstand

Fish Tail Press Up to Handstand

Got another video for you. This one is from next month’s Acrobat Accelerator.

A slightly more advanced move, but in the complete video you’ll be taken through the steps to get up to this move.

Here’s what it says in The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing about the Fish Tail Press Up.

Lie flat on the back, with the hands and arms close to the sides, with the hands flat on the floor, then by resisting with the hands, you draw the legs up slowly, and rigid, keep the legs going until you are up, resting on your head and shoulders, then change the position of the hands by placing them along side of the head flat on the floor; then let the feet drop about six inches, then drive them up, and push up to a handstand, the legs are kept rigid all the time.

That’s one long run on sentence but it describes the move well.

This move takes strong abs just to get into the plough position and hold it with your legs over your head. I suppose you could call this move the Plough press too. The more you drive with the legs the less you have to push with your arms but you have to do both.

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

Give it a shot and see how it goes.

On another note the May Sale is moving fast. Many items are sold out but others like the Paulinetti and Jones’ book and the Tumbling Course still have many in stock. https://lostartofhandbalancing.com/maysale.html

If you’ve stalled, wait no longer. The sale will come down late Sunday even if there’s a few items left.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

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David Webster on Hand Balancing

Strength historian David Webster wrote this about hand balancing in 1963:

“Few physical culturists attracted to balancing have any ambitions to perfect a first class act and top the bill at the variety theatres or on television, this has happened time and time again to fellows who set out to learn a handstand just for the fun of it.

Few forms of training are as enjoyable as balancing and not only the participators find it so; those watching the activity derive a great deal of pleasure from seeing the thrills and spills of training sessions as well as enjoying the final polished performance of the feats.

With a little conscientious practice, most people can master the elementary balances and this in itself encourages them to try harder stunts. Those who have a background in strength athletics of any description will have a great advantage over the less experienced.

The strong men will find their strength in the arms and shoulders a great asset, but don’t worry if you don’t possess strength or experience because the first balances can be practiced even by schoolboys.

Master the basic balances before trying the harder stunts. These lay the foundation for future success.”

I would agree with David completely.

I decided to master the handstand one day and look where that has led me. I’m not one of the best by any means but I’m teaching hundreds across the world.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

Just look where you can be in 10 or 20 years. That’s a lot of time to practice!

It starts with the foundation. One simple move, the handstand.

From there you can take it in so many directions.

Finger Balancing

Walking and Jumping on Your Hands

The One Hand Handstand

Contorting Body Position

And much more. Once you learn the basics the next step is up to you. As long as you keep pushing forward, in a little time, you’ll be doing moves that will impress others and get them started on the hand balancing path.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

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Taking Time Off from Handstands

Every once in a while you need to take a little time off from your training. This could be a few days or a week. Maybe a month while you focus on other goals.

This is not a bad thing. Sure, you won’t be making direct progress during that time. But more often than not, you’ll come back with a fury, excited and supercharged to make big gains once again.

This is as true with hand balancing, as with any other form of training.

If you go about something the same way, day in and day out, for a long, long time you will go stale eventually. Your body and mind will get use to it.

Taking a break can be like re-fueling the engine.

It goes without saying that you do have to devote time to practicing and working toward your goals. You can’t be on a break all the time.

And when you do come back there may be a day or more in which it doesn’t feel right. Where it seems your skills have gone down.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

Not to worry, just get back into the flow of things and soon you’ll be surpassing old records.

Such is the case for myself. I’ve had to change up my training for reasons I won’t get into this time. Hand balancing had to take the back seat for a few weeks.

I still did some, but not with the same intensity and effort I was before. Believe it or not, many days I was left too sore to even hold a handstand. Certainly not in any shape to work on harder skills.

But I’m not beating myself self up over it. Because soon enough I’ll launch right back into it. With new energy I know I’ll be making some impressive gains.

How about you?

Know that at any time you can switch what you’re doing and go after something 100%. To get yourself back in gear instead of going through the motions.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Special announcement coming next week…

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Tumbling Tip to Train Relaxation + A Deadline

Today is the last day you’ll be able to get your hands on the Tumbling Course for the launch price of $49. After midnight tonight (PST), it goes up to $79.

I know I’ve been mentioning a lot. But I don’t want someone to come after me in an angry manner because they failed to see it coming. This is your last chance!

Now on to a great comment from a reader. About why you NEED to have the most basic tumbling skills.

Also a great tip for training yourself to relax through tumbling moves and not tense up. Something I’ll be practicing myself. I wish I had thought of it.

Hey Logan

This looks like a great course I will be ordering it soon.

I learned many tumbling moves from my Ju Jitsu and Judo training, I think people need to learn this valuable tool.

I remember my instructor telling me a woman who use to take her son to his Ju Jitsu class use to watch them tumble and do break falls.

Well one day she fell down a flight of stairs and was able to walk away from that fall with a few bumps and scrapes, due to her learning how to tumble in her sons class and without ever practicing them.

She told him that if it wasn’t for her being able to tumble she would have broken her neck or back.

So tumbling is not just for exercising only but it can be good for your health and well being, also for self defense purposes as I teach my students to tumble as opposed to break falling, this way they can pop up off the ground and fight standing up instead of staying on the ground and fighting from there if they are knocked down.

That’s not a good place to be in a street fight.

Here is a tip I learned that helped me in tumbling; when rolling in any direction always hum as you do it, as you roll if you catch yourself not humming you tightened up your muscles in that area.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

Which means you have to either loosen the muscles in the area or relax more, then when you can hum all the way through the movement you have mastered the roll.

Well take care Logan


Thanks Daniel. Its true that you need to know how to roll should you ever need it.

For some reason I always picture having to roll out of a car going high speeds on the freeway, but falling down stairs is a better example, and much more common.

If you don’t know how to roll safely and effectively, take the time to learn it. If you never move beyond those rolls that’s alright. Just learn those necessary skills.

But if you want to move beyond the basics than you know where to start. (Although this course does teach the most basic moves, as well as everything progressing up to the most advanced.)

Get the Tumbling Course here.

Once again, last chance to get it at this price. Don’t put it off any longer.

Good Luck and Good Tumbling,
Logan Christopher

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A Good Handstand Pyramid Trick for the Triceps

Got another one from Stu Goldberg. That’s him in the middle in the jack-knife position.

3-Person Handstand Pyramid

According to Stu this is one of the toughest middle man tricks. A huge strain on the triceps, as I’m sure you could imagine. But its even worse when the top-mounter ‘planches’ his handstand, like in this case.

The next time you and two of your friends are looking for something to do, give this a shot. Except you might want to get a few years of practice under your belt first.

On another note, I want to remind you that the Tumbling Course launch is winding down. If you want to save $30 and get in on the tele-seminar you have to order before Tuesday at midnight (PST).

If you’ve already ordered I’ll be sending instructions regarding the tele-seminar soon.

Plus I just realized that we passed the One Year Anniversary of the Lost Art of Hand Balancing website last week. Its come a long way in that time, but there is so much more to do. Here’s looking forward to the next year being bigger and better.

A big thanks to all of you for being along for the ride, especially if you were here from the beginning. To celebrate I’m going to put together a special event of sorts. Watch out for that soon.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

P.S. Not much time left. Join the others and get started tumbling now.

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Stories of Bob Jones and other Hand Balancers

Just a couple weeks ago I was contacted by a man who knew and trained with Bob Jones among many other hand balancers. His name is Stu Goldberg and he has a few stories to share.

I thought you might be interested. Plus there are many pictures too.

Bob Jones Thumb Stand

If you want to learn how Bob used a sewing thread to help balance, or who won the longest handstand contest there’s a new article up. Remembering the Old Hand Balancing Days

Rest assured in the coming weeks I’ll be sharing even more with you.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Only a few days left to get the Tumbling Course at its launch price.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

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The 7 Values of Tumbling by Loken and Willoughby

The past couple days have been crazy. I was amazed at the response to the Tumbling Course. Within a few minutes of putting the page up orders were coming in.

The good news is if you’ve bought your copy of the Tumbling Course before today, it is in the mail and on its way.

For those of you who’ve ordered, could you do me a favor and send me a email when it does arrive, with your initial impressions? Thanks!

There are quite a few left so if you’ve been waiting now’s the time to act. When I was looking over the course I couldn’t help but to think what a good deal it is.

In order to actually show you I’ve added a picture of all that you’ll get to the Tumbling Course page, but you can see it right here.

Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

Tumbling Course

And that doesn’t even include the bonus tele-seminar. Right now, you have 5 days left to get it at $49.

Those that have ordered will understand the following. Here is a list of the benefits of tumbling, an excerpt from Loken and Willoughby’s ‘Complete Book of Gymnastics’.

The specific values of tumbling activities are:

1. Tumbling develops coordination and timing.

2. Tumbling develops agility and flexibility because of the nature of the movements involved in the activity, Much bending, tucking, and twisting is required to perform the stunts well.

3. Because of the running and springing necessary in tumbling activities, strength is developed in the legs. This is somewhat unique in that most other gymnastic activities tend to neglect the legs.

4.Courage and determination are developed in some of the more daring and difficult tumbling stunts. More advanced stunts involve movements performed with the body completely in the air.

5. Learning to control the body in basic tumbling skills has great carryover to the other sports.

6. The art of falling correctly, as learned in tumbling, is of great importance in many sports as well as normal daily activities. A relaxed rolling fall very often prevents or reduces injury and enable a person to regain his feet quickly after a fall.

7. Because tumbling is a natural activity, it is self-motivating and provides a great deal of fun and enjoyment for its participants.

Very well said, and succinctly too. As complete as list as there could be. If you want to get started quickly you know where to go, https://lostartofhandbalancing.com/tumbling.html

Good Luck and Good Tumbling,
Logan Christopher

P.S. I’ll be sharing with you some old hand balancing pictures this weekend that you haven’t seen before.

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Tumbling Workbook and Dive Rolls

Tumbling Illustrated is the main book I’ve been talking about. But on top of that when you order the Tumbling Course next week you’ll get the Tumbling Workbook.

I explain it fairly well in the video. But to recap, in the workbook you have all 248 moves from Tumbling Illustrated listed by name and picture. What’s missing is the text for each move telling you how its done. But once you’re use to the moves you won’t need anything more than the name and picture to go off of.

It’s a different format then Tumbling Illustrated too. The purpose of the workbook is to keep track of your progress. How its done is explained a bit more in the workbook itself.

With 248 moves you’re sure to not remember them all. Although when you have the workbook with you when you’re training, all you have to do is flip the pages to find out new moves to try.

One way of training is to go down a series of moves like I do in the video. I show you many of the moves in the Diving chapter.

Dive rolls are a progression of normal rolls, but somewhere short of mid-air flips. You can continually add height and distance to your dives and they’ll teach you one way of rolling safely on the ground.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon

I practice these in the sand, because like I said, there is less impact. But you can do them just as well anywhere. With enough practice you could even do them on rough surfaces like concrete, but for training purposes I’d stay away from that.

Put these into practice and more details to follow before the official launch next week.

Good Luck and Good Tumbling,
Logan Christopher

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Handstand, Tumbling and Athleticism

Wanted to start off today’s message with a powerful comment from a subscriber.


Your website is absolutely fantastic and it has helped me learn a whole new approach to physical-culture training. Over the last few months, I have incorporated handstand push-ups and some elementary handstand training into my weightlifting routine, and the results have been nothing short of incredible.

A while back you received a comment from somebody who was upset that you are putting acrobatic videos on the Internet for all to view. He was apparently concerned that some people may develop bad form or bad training habits without direct supervision from a qualified trainer. While I’m sure this gentleman meant well, I must say that I have benefited enormously from watching the videos you have posted. I suspect that many other people have too.

Viewing your videos and reading your articles helped me to refine my views of what is possible with physical culture training. Before I made a visit to your site, I paid virtually no attention to the athletic side of physical training, and I new very little about the many benefits which can be derived from doing handstands and related movements. I have no desire to become a professional gymnast or acrobat, but I find that the type of training which you promote on your site improves my athleticism and strength tremendously.

Thanks for running a great and innovative site.

Rob Drucker

Thank you, Rob. Comments like these really make my day. It brings a smile to my face to read about the success of people like you.

Handstands have been proven over and over to strengthen the body. If you have to start against the wall, you’ll still get many of the benefits. The truth is going from handstands against the wall to free standing is the transition many people make, myself included.

As far as athleticism though, that is just the beginning. Can you imagine where you’ll be at if you add just a few of the following into the mix?

Forward Rolls, Backward Rolls, Diving, Head and Hand Balancing, Hand Balancing, Forearm Balancing, Cartwheels, Roundoffs, Head and Hand Springs, Hand Springs, Backward Hand Springs, Back Bends, Upstarts (Kips), Somersaults (Flips), Combination Rolls, Combination Hand Springs, Combination Hand Springs and Somersaults, Combination Hand Springs and Rolls, Combination Balancing and Rolls, Miscellaneous Combinations, and Novelties.

Those are the 21 chapters found in the soon to be released Tumbling Illustrated. As of writing this it’ll be available in 4 days, 23 hours, 57 minutes, 34 seconds. To find the updated time go to https://lostartofhandbalancing.com/tumbling.html

I wish it was ready now, especially since a few people have inquired about buying it already. But I’m still waiting on the printers for the main book. Plus I want to be able to ship it out the day you order it.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

You don’t have to be a professional gymnast or acrobat to get the benefits of this training. (If you are though, more power to you.) Even if you work on just a few of the 248 different moves you’ll learn how to control your body to a extraordinary degree.

Tomorrow I’m going to reveal a few details on the companion workbook to Tumbling Illustrated and how you can use this workbook will increase your skills even faster.

Good Luck and Good Tumbling,
Logan Christopher

P.S. I’ll try to get another video up showing some acrobatic conditioning in action before the launch. Maybe even a sneak peak of the workbook.

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Handstand Rolls

How does tumbling and hand balancing go together?

Here’s your answer in the simplest form. Combining the normal handstand with basic forward and backward rolls. 


Of course, there are many other ways to combine them. Here’s just two examples. Back Handspring to Hand Balance and Dive to Hand Balance, Chest Roll Down. There are tons of ways to get into and out of a handstand. Use your imagination.

These are great because it will really work your balance coming into the handstand from all these moves. Especially since you’re going to have to stop your momentum most of the time.

One more caveat. As much as possible don’t do hand balancing in sand. It’s a lot harder and throws off your balance. Much better to find a surface that won’t give.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. If you missed it, the new countdown page to the Tumbling Course is up. The date and time have been set. It’s only a matter of time now.

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

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