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Hand Balancing on Twitter

This is last notice but I wanted to give you a chance to join the fun.

If you’re on Twitter I’m the guest on a special twitterchat tonight. The topic…hand balancing of course.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon

You’ll have your chance to ask any questions you want.

All the details can be found at Straight to the Bar.

And make sure you’re following me- StrongmanLogan.

It costs nothing to signup and come ask your questions. If you’re available then be sure to stop by.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

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Two Updates

Just a quick update today.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon

Thank you everyone for sending in your parkour questions. We got 16 comments on the last post with some great questions.

And the good news is they’ll be answered. Just got to setup a date and time to do the interview. Look for that coming soon

On another note I threw a new page up on the site. This one was long overdo, containing ideas and need to know info on gift-giving.

If anyone you know has a birthday coming up or during the holidays could benefit from anything available here check it out.

Good Luck and Good Handbalancing,
Logan Christopher

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Handstand Pushup Book

The Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups is now available.

I know a number of you have been waiting for it, and for the launch you can get it now for $10 off the regular price.

Those who ordered during the pre-publication offer should already have their copies, or at least they are on the way.

For those of you that missed out, now’s your chance.

You can see the full details on handstand pushups here.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

Tumbling Illustrated
Tumbling Illustrated on Amazon

P.S. The main focus of this guide is one building strength, but Chapter 10 that covers the freestanding handstand pushup as well. Get your copy of The Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups.

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Wrist Strengthening Exercises

An important part of handstands is having hand strength and flexibility so here are some wrist strengthening exercises.

I’ve always had some wrist troubles when it came to handstands due to an old injury. And recently my right wrist has been acting up making even a regular handstand hard to hold.

How have I been able to make progress towards overcoming this?

By doing more handstands!

Because a handstand puts you near or at complete extension of your wrist it’s a position most people never really use or have need for strength in. But for those of us handbalancing that’s different.

Very few other exercises can even get close to this position. So using the handstand itself is the way we want to use to build wrist strength and flexibility.

Of course, if you are just starting out putting your full weight on your hands may be too hard. In this case going from pushups, to elevated pushups and finally to the handstand is the progression to follow. I had to go back to the starting point in order to build up.

It may be uncomfortable. The idea is to push your boundaries a little at a time. Keep doing a bit more each time to expand your wrist flexibility. Of course, you don’t want to push too hard you injure yourself even more. The idea is to make progress slowly and over time.

If its no strain to hold the position, when you are in the handstand (ideally against the wall) you can dig in and press down into the ground doing isometrics to further build your strength, and therefore control when balancing.

Regular practice with these kind of wrist strengthening exercises will result in strong, flexible and healthy hands and wrists.

Good Luck and Good Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. There’s also some nifty stunts by Bob Jones in Chapter 6 of The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing. Be sure to check those out to further build strength and flexibility in those hand balancing hands.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

Forearm Development from Various Hand Balancing Skills

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Give Me Your HSPU Questions?

I’m nearing completion of the second draft of The Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups. And I could use your help.

You see, Chapter 11 addresses all the common problems people may have when doing handstand pushups. I have a bunch of questions already from a survey I did awhile back, but I want to make sure I cover all the bases.

Read the questions I have so far below then comment below with any others you have.


How do you combine handstand training with other exercises?

How can I train HSPU’s with an injury?

How often should I workout?

How long should I rest in between sets?

How should I warm-up before HSPU’s?

What do I do if I cannot lock out my arms?

I seem to be stuck at a plateau. How do I break through it?

I don’t have a good place to practice HSPU’s. What should I do?

I seem to have problems just kicking up to the handstand. What should I do?

Handstands seem to make my wrists hurt? What should I do?

How should I include HSPU’s into my training schedule?

My back seems to arch a lot when I try HSPU’s and I fall out of the handstand? What should I do?

When I try a harder variation of the HSPU I find it difficult to maintain my form?

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

I don’t think I’m working on HSPU’s enough to really get better at them? What is the minimum amount I need to do?

I have problems with my feet sliding up and down the wall. What can I do?


There is much else covered within the other chapters of the book, but I want to make sure I get everything you need to really make this the ultimate guide.

And something equally important.

I’m closing down the pre-publication sale in 48 hours. Consider this your last warning to save almost $20 off the retail price of this book.

Oh yeah, and stupid me, on the page I forgot to mention my guarantee. Everything I offer includes a 3 month money-back guarantee. That includes this guide and the three months won’t start until the day you receive it.

So send in your questions and if you haven’t already, join the many others who’ve taken advantage of this special off before its too late.

The Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups

Good Luck and Good Handstand Pushups,
Logan Christopher

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Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups FAQ

The Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups in flying of the shelves…

…I guess that’s not technically true, since it’s not done yet and there are no shelves for it to fly off of. 🙂

But tons of people are taking action and ordering now. I don’t think I’ve ever had so many orders come in on one day. It looks like many people really want this information.

Besides the orders many people have sent in a bunch of questions. In case you have those too I’ll answer them here.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

‘Why are you doing a pre-publication sale?’

This is a way to make sure people want what I’m working on.

There’s nothing worse then working hours on a project to bring it to life and find that no one is really interested.  Yeah, unfortunately its happened before.

Because its not ready to ship yet when you buy now you’ll pay less then when its ready. Probably $49 later but only $29.95 now.

‘Are there going to be DVD’s?’


My original plan was to have a course with the book and DVD’s. But I decided, since it takes less effort, to do the book first (actually a rough draft of the book was sitting on my hard drive for a long time).

There will be DVD’s down the line, probably a few months from now. Anyone who buys the book now or later will get a special deal on these when they come out.

‘Do you ship internationally?’


‘Can I order my check, money order, paypal, or over the phone?’

Yes. Visit the Order Info page for details.

‘I can’t wait for the book. When will it be ready?’

The books will be shipped out in less than a month barring any unforeseen accidents. I have a tight schedule and I’m committed to keeping to it so it’s finished fast.

In fact, as soon as I send this out I’ll be writing more in the Advanced Handstand Pushup Exercises section. Gotta go!

Good Luck and Good Handstand Pushups,
Logan Christopher

P.S. I don’t have much to say here. Just go check out the guide and see all that you’ll learn about handstand pushups.

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Pre-Sale on Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups

It’s been a long time in the works. And its finally ready…well, almost.

I’m talking about The Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups.  I’m making a special pre-production offer for the book.

And you can get it for far less than I intended to release it for.

Everything you could ever want to know about handstand pushups. If you’ve never done one before or if your working up to reps in full-range.

Check it out – The Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups.

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

Good Luck and Good Handstand Pushups,
Logan Christopher

P.S. I’ve overloaded this with every piece of information on using handstands and handstand pushups to build strength. But there’s extras too like freestanding handstand pushups, building parallettes, and tons of workouts too.

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One Small Change = One Big Difference

I remember one day in 2005 when I was working out in my garage in San Luis Obispo, California.

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

I was doing a circuit combining chinnups and handstand pushups (an awesome combo, by the way). I had hit my goal number of reps and sets in the handstand pushups so I thought I was ready to start adding some height to extend the range of motion.

Boy, I was wrong.

You see in order to increase the height, I had to do a new setup which ended up changing my position in the handstand. When I tried I couldn’t do a single rep in this new form when I was suppose to be doing sets of three.

Even after I eliminated the new height and replicated the same position I still found these handstand pushups dramatically harder then the version I had been doing before.

What was going on here?

That was my first realization that by changing your position in the handstand and for the pushups you can dramatically increase or decrease the difficulty of the move. And this is without adding any height or weight!

It’s funny when people say they can do 15 or 20 handstand pushups. That’s all great but HOW are you doing those reps?

I can tell you how to make handstand pushups as easy as possible or so hard it’ll cut your reps by at least half, again without doing anything but changing the position of your hands, arms, head and body.

And on that note I have a very special announcement coming tomorrow.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Handstand pushups really are one of the best exercises you can do for many reasons. Why not go deep and learn all you can about them?

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New Blog Look

I’ve been slacking in updating the site and adding new content lately.

Now I plan to fix that situation.

So there’s two important announcements today. First I want to hear what you’d like me to cover. I’ve put up a short two question survey that’ll help me to know exactly what you want.

Take the Survey!

Shouldn’t take more than a minute or two of your time.

Secondly, I’ve updated the blog with a brand new look and more functionality.

Check it out and let me know what you think. You can leave your comments down below.

Also you may notice that I’ve expanded the categories on the page. You can click on one to browse through posts relating to the topic. You can use the search bar at the top of the blog too.

And that’s just to start with. I’ve got some other cool plans to put into work here too.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon
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What's Stopping Your Handstands?

Today’s message is just for beginners. That is people still working on holding the regular freestanding handstand. If that’s you then keep reading.

I’d say two thirds of the people that come to my website are just getting started and trying to learn the handstand.

Even though it’s the basic foundational move of all hand balancing it still can prove to be frustrating, especially when you first get started. I know it was for me.

I’m going to be releasing a few videos in the upcoming days that will help you along. The thing I always tell people is that you don’t want to start with the handstand itself but more on that topic later.

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

For now I want to hear what’s holding you back? If you can’t hold a freestanding handstand for more than 5 seconds what’s stopping you for holding 10 or 20 seconds?

Or do you not know why you can’t get the balance?

Before you comment down below just know that I’ll try to answer your problems in these new videos.

Plus you’ll hear about my first handstand attempts, what others have done and more. I think you’ll get a kick out of them.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

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