Gymnastic Bridge Turn-Over

Going to step away from hand balancing today and a bit more in the coming weeks to focus on related acrobatics and various tumbling moves. And I’ll be sharing many of them in video form like today!
First up is a bridging movement that I’ve been throwing in my routine the past few weeks.

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This move involves going from a back bend or gymnastic bridge than turning face down. In order to do this you support yourself on one arm and turn to come on all fours. From here you continue the movement turning back into the bridge.

I’m calling it the Gymnastic Bridge Turn-over.

Just doing a single one of these moves is great. It requires great shoulder flexibility and strength. Can you say stability? In addition it will engage just about every other muscle in your body especially your abs, back and legs.

If one is no problem for you then do as I do in the video, stringing a bunch together to complete an entire circle. If you want a real challenge try to do five full circles each way.

Don’t feel bad if you can’t do this one. If this is a hard move for you it means one thing…you need to work on your gymnastic bridge. By improving your shoulder flexibility in this movement you can work up to doing the move shown here with ease.

So get on your back, press up, straighten the arms, and try to extend your chest over your hands.

You may also find that you can flip one way but not the other. Keep working at it until you can move seamlessly in and out of position in every way.

Good Luck and Good Tumbling,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Got another video next time that covers the very basics and why they’re so important regardless of who you are. In this and all things the fundamentals are of highest importance.


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5 Responses to Gymnastic Bridge Turn-Over

  1. sandrar September 10, 2009 at 6:26 am #

    Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post… nice! I love your blog. 🙂 Cheers! Sandra. R.

  2. angelina jolie September 10, 2009 at 9:16 am #

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  1. the rainbow bridge - May 7, 2008

    […] bridging move that requires flexibility and strength. In breakdancing its known as a ‘rainbow’ results for the rainbow bridgeThe rainbow bridge […]

  2. gymnastic moves - August 1, 2008

    […] bridging move that requires flexibility and strength. In breakdancing its known as a ‘rainbow’ Moves for BatonGymnastic moves for Baton […]

  3. You’ve got Questions, I’ve got Answers | Lost Art of Hand Balancing Blog - August 23, 2008

    […] I put out a video a while back showing how to do a similar move from the bridge position. If you haven’t seen it you can check it out here – Gymnastic Bridge Turn-Over. […]

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