Hand Balancing Program on DVD?

Got a timely question from Jeffrey who just joined us.

‘Hi, Are you ever going to make a DVD to go along with the handstand program? It is just so much easier to learn from. Thanks!’

The answer…absolutely!

In fact it is currently in the works. And it will be ready before this month is through.Originally my ideas for The Lost Art of Hand Balancing website involved making a program on video for hand balancing. It has just taken some time to put all the pieces together.

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon

You sure can learn a lot from books and interviews but nothing is going to beat a video in teaching any physical art.

The best news for anyone who has bought the Hand Balancing Mastery Course is that you already have a copy of the first DVD reserved and waiting for you (once they’re done of course).

If you haven’t invested in the course yet, not to worry as there will be a less costly way to get started. More details coming soon.

But before its released, I’ll be adding new video clips to the web for your viewing, and learning, pleasure.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. If you haven’t seen the latest video click here to witness what you could do with consistent practice over many years time.

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