5 Craziest Gymnastic Moves

I saw this video of the 5 Craziest Gymnastic Moves and felt it had to be shared here. You most likely have never seen these moves (and possibly never even heard of them) unless you’re in the profession.

Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

#5 – 1.5 Twisting Kovacs on the Gymnastic High Bar

#4 – Triple Twisting Double Backflip on the Floor

#3 – Full Twisting Triple Backflip off the High Bar

#2 – Triple Backflip from the Parallel Bars

#1 – The Tkachev Salto

Now you may not agree that these are the craziest moves EVER but they’re certainly up there and a blast to watch.

If you have any other crazy videos to share post a link below. And if you can do any of these skills (or even come close) tell us about it.

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Back Handspring Race

I saw this back hand spring video recently over at Strength Rules and thought it was well worth sharing.

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

I get dizzy just watching this!

I’ve never thought about doing multiple back hand springs in a race format. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever done more than three in a row. If you’re going to try this make sure you have plenty of space and can go straight. Also build up to it.

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Strength and Skill

The more strength and skill you have the better you’ll be in hand balancing and acrobatics.

Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

You may be saying ‘DUH’ but this works on multiple levels.

Obviously you’ll require more strength in order to do high strength movements like the planche, iron cross and more.

Among various moves some are more strength oriented like those above and others are more skill oriented like the handstand and more so the one arm handstand.

Still all require some degree of both strength and skill.

Yes you need strength in order to do a handstand. Its not much if you get into a proper body position but it is still present. And if you hold a handstand for a minute or two you’ll start to feel those muscles burning.

Even though it doesn’t require much strength, practicing the skills can take strength and endurance.

Lets say you’re working on the one arm handstand. Maybe you get ten minutes of practice in before your shoulders are fatigued and you can’t get any more quality work in.

Let’s say you’re trying to do a bent arm press. It takes strength plus skill. If your strength is lacking how good are you going to get at the skill of that movement?

Freestanding handstand pushups? Going to be very hard to work the balance of the movement if two handstand pushups against the wall is all you can manage.

So more strength makes doing the moves easier but also allows you to get more quality practice in. If you’re fatigued then its hard to do fine motor movements.

That’s why building a foundation of strength is important. And when you’re just focusing on this foundational strength you want to minimize the skill necessary.

I have a video that talks more about this and the four bodyweight exercises that work best for the whole body.

All you have to do is go here and signup to watch it immediately.

And soon I’ll have even more to help you get stronger and thus more skilled.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. If you’ve already signed up the next video on the Do’s and Don’ts of Technique is set to come out tomorrow. But if you haven’t go here now.

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Motor Moron Flow

The final video in the motor moron series.

This combines some of the concepts from the previous videos on getting up without your hands and rolling around. Building on top of these basics you can develop more difficult skills.

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

Try doing a random flow like this. Great for a warmup if needed and for getting the body moving.

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Rolling in 8 Directions

Another part of the Motor Moron series.

There was some confusion about how to go about rolling in 8 directions. This video should clear that up.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

Basically there are 3 types of rolls here. Straight forward (and backwards) somersaults. Diagonal rolls commonly done in martial arts and parkour. And then the sideways roll. All are pretty easy to do and can be done with a little practice.

All these basics can be expanded upon for further body awareness, control and skill. I recommend you check out Tumbling Illustrated for more details.

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Getting Up Without Your Hands

This is a follow up to my post on Don’t Be a Motor Moron.

I received a few questions so I filmed some videos to answer them.

This is basic stuff but for some people it may be exactly what they need to do in their training.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

More on rolling in 8 directions coming soon…

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Don’t Be a Motor Moron

Motor: Involving or relating to movements of the muscles

Moron: A stupid person

Motor Moron: Someone who doesn’t have the basic strength and coordination to handle their own body

The people that visit this site certainly aren’t your average people. Not everyone wants to be able to stand on one hand or doing crazy acrobatics.

But the truth is everybody should be able to do the most basic skills. And its sad that so many people cannot. Even many people who are considered strong or in shape sometimes have the movement skills of an infant.

So in this article I want to talk about the skills that EVERYONE should have. No two ways about it, short of paralysis. Everybody should be able to do the following things without much if any effort.

And I’ll go so far as to say that if you can’t do the following you don’t deserve to have the miraculous machine that is the human body. (And the sad truth is it probably won’t be too long before you lose it.)

  • Walk
  • Run
  • Sprint
  • Jump
  • Get up from the ground without using your hands
  • Squat down and be able to stay there
  • Roll in all 8 directions

Roll in 8 Directions

If you can’t do the above then you need to work on them. These are basic human movement patterns everyone should be capable of.

To get slightly more complicated (but still sticking with things everyone should be capable of) we can add the following.

  • Pushups
  • Pullup/Chinnup
  • Swim
  • Headstand
  • Gymnastic Bridge
  • Wrestlers Bridge
  • Move each joint individually

This is a basic list. But can you do everything on it? And can you do everything on it easily without effort?

But I’m surely missing some things. Add your comments below if you have suggestions and I‘ll add to the list.

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

From there we can start to get into more advanced movement patterns along with acrobatic skills. I’ll save that for another time.

I’m sure to hear the excuses come out of the woodworks from many people on this one. To give every reason why they can’t do these things. But save it. Instead just work on gaining the ability to do these movements if you don’t have it. Even if you need coaching on these skills, get it.

And for those of you that may laugh at this list because you are so far beyond it, there are probably people in your life that you could nudge in the right direction to get them to move better.

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French Hand Balancer Video

Here is a great video I saw recently of an excellent hand balancer from France. It shows a wide variety of amazing hand balancing skills.

Hand balancing stands are used in about the first half of the video. Then a few other tools are used throughout as well. One of my favorites is jumping off of the table in a handstand. And it ends with some tumbling movements as well.

Just by studying this you can find something you can add into your routine, even if you’re not as advanced the basics of moving the body around while in a handstand is great for just about everybody.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Hand Balancing Stands are back in stock here. Get your pair while they’re still available.

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Back in Stock

Just a quick post to let you know an order of the Hand Balancing Stands is being produced and they are back in stock. They’ll be ready to ship out by the end of next week.

Click here for full details and to get your pair now.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon
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Intro to Capoeira

I was at a competition this past weekend and met Adrian who had previous years of experience in Capoeira. I asked him to demonstrate just a few basic moves and he obliged. Enjoy!

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

There are many different arts that incorporate hand balancing and acrobatics into them and each one is unique. If you’d like to see more about Capoeira here on this site leave a comment below.

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