Tag Archives | Acrobatic Skills

Trampolining and Tumbling

Trampolining and tumbling go together hand in hand. Trampolining involves doing all sorts of acrobatic tricks on a trampoline which provides much more height. Tumbling involves doing the same or similar moves on the floor (and with gymnastic spring floors more height can be had).

I’ve mentioned this before. When I first started doing gymnastics I never really used the trampoline. My idea was that I should be able to do all the moves without artificial apparatus. Basically I wanted to be able to do every move outside.

The problem with this idea is that the trampoline is such a useful tool. Although it easily allows you to get tons of air without needed to generate it yourself (by jumping off the ground for instance) you need to control your body in the air. The same control and acrobatic ability in the air is applicable to being on a trampoline or not. It doesn’t really matter.

So even if you only want to do moves outside like I did, the trampoline is a useful tool for getting there.

Just ask Damien Walters. One of the best out there in free running and all manner of acrobatic stunts. One of his primary training methods and tools is the trampoline even competing in the trampoline world championships along with doing all manner of stunts in the gym and out.

For this reason you should use everything available to you. Set goals for tricks you can do on a trampoline. If you need ideas on getting started check out the Trampoline Handbook. In it you’ll find 48 different moves to work on. These range from basic to intermediate. From there the world of trampolining really opens up. Work on doing more complex tricks as well as stringing several more basic tricks together.

Here’s a video showing some amazing trampolining stunts from Adam Menzies along with some other moves at the end.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

Want to do a twisting backflip? Do it on the trampoline first and nail it down, before moving onto the floor. Not to mention a trampoline can just be a lot of fun.

When it comes to tumbling on the floor you should follow the same progressions. Work on what you can and build from there. For a wide range of moves (248 to be exact) check out Tumbling Illustrated. And again, do more complex moves and focus on stringing moves together.

The truth is just about anyone can build up decent acrobatic skills if they work on it with persistence. You may not be trying out for Cirque du Soleil anytime soon but you’ll master moves few people can do.

Trampolining and tumbling skills are well worth going after. Working on one will help the other and vice versa. Use the combination and get better starting today.

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New Lost Art of Hand Balancing Website

I have finished the updates to the new site. Just go to https://lostartofhandbalancing.com to check it out.You’ll also notice a few new sections added in.

Success Stories
Read and see people like you that have used the information gained here to gain hand balancing and acrobatic skills. Full of good information and tips about what helped them get to where they are.

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon

You can read a few of the submissions from the contest last month including the winner of the Hand Balancing Mastery Course, David Kelso. There is some good stuff in this area so start reading.

Here are some outside sites and resources you can use to further your goals. There isn’t too much there but I will be adding to it over time.

Ask A Question
Do you have any burning questions you want answered on the topics of hand balancing, acrobatics, or training? Here is now the place to ask. Just submit your question and it will be answered probably in an email like this.

What’s New?
It will be frequently updated with all the latest updates and news about what is going on around here at the site. If your stuck away for awhile you can come back here to see the newest happenings.

Now I have a favor to ask of you. If you notice any broken links or pictures not showing up please reply to this email and let me know. I did some extensive testing but I may have missed something.

And secondly, let me know what you think about it. Love it or hate it, tell me what you think about the updated site.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. I have reposted some old emails from before I had a blog on the blog. If you weren’t around from the very beginning you’ll want to give them a read.

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