Tag Archives | Bonus

How to do a Backflip

Got a new article up on the site, complete with a video. This one is on how to do the backflip.

I don’t claim to have the best backflip in the world. I know it needs some work for improvement. But I can do them standing on flat ground outside.

And I know more people want to pull of this acrobatic skill than are currently able.

Just reading the article won’t give you the ability to do it, but if you want to work up to it or currently are you’ll find something useful.

Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

On Thursday I’ll be sharing an important update to the Tumbling Course with you.

Good Luck and Good Tumbling,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Don’t forget today is the last day to get a bonus Acrobat Accelerator issue along with the Secrets of the Handstand Quickstart Guide.

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The 7 Values of Tumbling by Loken and Willoughby

The past couple days have been crazy. I was amazed at the response to the Tumbling Course. Within a few minutes of putting the page up orders were coming in.

The good news is if you’ve bought your copy of the Tumbling Course before today, it is in the mail and on its way.

For those of you who’ve ordered, could you do me a favor and send me a email when it does arrive, with your initial impressions? Thanks!

There are quite a few left so if you’ve been waiting now’s the time to act. When I was looking over the course I couldn’t help but to think what a good deal it is.

In order to actually show you I’ve added a picture of all that you’ll get to the Tumbling Course page, but you can see it right here.

Tumbling Course

And that doesn’t even include the bonus tele-seminar. Right now, you have 5 days left to get it at $49.

Those that have ordered will understand the following. Here is a list of the benefits of tumbling, an excerpt from Loken and Willoughby’s ‘Complete Book of Gymnastics’.

The specific values of tumbling activities are:

1. Tumbling develops coordination and timing.

2. Tumbling develops agility and flexibility because of the nature of the movements involved in the activity, Much bending, tucking, and twisting is required to perform the stunts well.

3. Because of the running and springing necessary in tumbling activities, strength is developed in the legs. This is somewhat unique in that most other gymnastic activities tend to neglect the legs.

4.Courage and determination are developed in some of the more daring and difficult tumbling stunts. More advanced stunts involve movements performed with the body completely in the air.

5. Learning to control the body in basic tumbling skills has great carryover to the other sports.

6. The art of falling correctly, as learned in tumbling, is of great importance in many sports as well as normal daily activities. A relaxed rolling fall very often prevents or reduces injury and enable a person to regain his feet quickly after a fall.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

7. Because tumbling is a natural activity, it is self-motivating and provides a great deal of fun and enjoyment for its participants.

Very well said, and succinctly too. As complete as list as there could be. If you want to get started quickly you know where to go, https://lostartofhandbalancing.com/tumbling.html

Good Luck and Good Tumbling,
Logan Christopher

P.S. I’ll be sharing with you some old hand balancing pictures this weekend that you haven’t seen before.

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