Tag Archives | Creativity

Parkour Flow Drill

Today’s video comes from my friends the Tapp Brothers and it’s all about improving your flow and creativity in parkour.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon

The point of this and similar drills is to get used to natural movements so you don’t have to think much when you actually end up in a high stress situation; and avoid possible injuries at the same time. Aside from that, you’ll boost your creativity, agility and coordination if you perform the drill on a regular basis.

If you’re just getting started with parkour, the Tapp Brothers will teach you this and many other crucial things in their Parkour Crash Course.

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Damien Walters

Meet Damien Walters, one of the very best acrobats in the world. Combining tricking, parkour, trampolining, free running, and all manner of acrobatics along with a big dose of creativity.

This guy knows how to practice and get good.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

If you want to get started tumbling like Damien Walters can you got lots of practice ahead of you. But let me recommend something to set you in the right direction – Tumbling Illustrated and the Parkour Tutorial DVD.

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Foundational Rolling Skills

How we got on the subject I can’t tell you at this point. I was at a birthday party and one of my friends told me they couldn’t do a somersault. Really!?! Maybe I was naïve but I thought EVERYONE could do this basic move.

But the truth is not everyone can. I’m sure you have no problem with this skill but the reason I am teaching it here in this video is to set up the idea of using and actually working on your tumbling skills. Everyone should be able to do the somersault. Not everyone necessarily has to do handsprings or front flips.


But if you want to it begs the question; how to you move up to the more difficult skills?

The easiest method is by taking the basics and adding twists to them. This will build your control and make you a better tumbler.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. But it should give you something to play with and start sparking your own creativity.

Tumbling Illustrated
Tumbling Illustrated on Amazon

More on this subject later but if you haven’t already, be sure to take this really small survey. Only three questions total. Won’t take much time but it’ll really help me out. Take the Survey here. Thanks!

Good Luck and Good Tumbling,
Logan Christopher

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