Tag Archives | Focus

Practicing Hand Balancing

With all the wide variety of hand balancing skills you can possibly do what should you focus on?

This is the topic of one of the eight special reports found in the Hand Balancing Mastery Course, but I’d like to give you a few details on it now.

The more time you spend practicing the more skills you can focus on. In fact, you’ll need to spread that time out into a variety of moves.

This may be obvious but it is nevertheless important.

If you don’t practice very often or for very long you’ll be better off just focusing on a single skill or two. Now this may involve doing several assistance or lead-up stunts that will the main skills. But its all in the efforts for just one goal.

That’s the other big part of what to focus on. It depends on what you want to accomplish. I believe simply by having a goal, especially with a deadline, you’ll make progress probably twice as fast.

That’s it for today. If you don’t have a set goal why don’t you figure out what that is and write it down. Then figure out the best way to approach it.

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

My goal is to hold a one arm handstand with real balance for at least five seconds by the end of this year. What’s yours?

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Moving Handstands

When you first get started with the handstand all you want to do is strive to hold it for a longer and longer time. In the beginning that may just be five seconds.

As you get better you’ll eventually reach half a minute, a full minute and even beyond that too.

But is that the best way to make progress in hand balancing? Probably not.

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

At a certain point to improve your game you should be go outside of the regular handstand. Instead of holding the regular position without moving, purposefully move your legs around. Arch your back more or straighten it out. Break that shoulder angle.

You see its one thing to balance standing still but another thing to keep that balance as you change your position.

So focus on not moving when you’re starting out, but after you’ve hit 30 seconds or so start moving with purpose.

When you can balance from any position you are well on your way.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. If you want tons of positions for you to practice be sure to check out Hand Balancing Made Easy by Prof. Orlick.

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Focusing on One Skill

Recently, I haven’t had a lot of time to devote to hand balancing. What with family visiting, traveling around and all that entails.

So I had to cut down on the time I practiced hand balancing. Especially when you factor in that hand balancing is just one aspect of training I’m going after.

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

I know there are some that want to become world class and are willing to train hours each day. They are the ones that will get to the top. All the more power to you, if that what you’re going after.

Then there are those who just think hand balancing is fun and a challenge. Something they’d like to get better at, but its not a major thing they do.

Even in this second category, over time you can reach skills that most people would never think of doing.

The point of all this is that even with limited time and practice you can still progress.

I’ve come to the conclusion that when you do, you’re better off focusing on one or at most two different skills.

When you got plenty of time you can work on everything. But when you only spend 10 minutes a day you need to go after one thing and go after it hard.

Make it your goal and you’ll get there quickly without being distracted by all the other things you could be doing.

This same idea works behind everything, not just hand balancing. The more you focus the better results you’ll get as your energies won’t be spread too thin.

So if you’ve been working on every different possible skill, now may be the time to pick one and really go after it. What can you accomplish before the year is over?

After all, you can always change your goal later on after you‘ve hit it. And since all the skills require balancing they will carry over to the other exercises.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Even if you focus on one skill there are multiple ways to work towards it. This Quickstart Guide will give you all the tools you need to reach the basic handstand quickly.

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