Tag Archives | Free Running

Creative Moves by Gravity & Other Myths

Today’s video comes from a bunch of people who look like they’re on a vacation, but still manage to pull out some amazing moves in combination of free running, hand balancing and other amazing stuff – like playing a piano with a hand balancer on top of you!

This uplifting video comes from Gravity & Other Myths, a well-known Australian acrobatics ensemble.

Tumbling Illustrated
Tumbling Illustrated on Amazon

Are you interested in any of my training programs or books? Then make sure to sign-up to my newsletter here TODAY and you’ll receive a special coupon code tomorrow (5/13/2015) for 30% off on my products!

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Running a Human Loop

We haven’t had a Damien Walters video for a while and this one is pretty awesome. If you didn’t know, Damien is one of the greatest acrobats in the world and this video just goes to show what he is capable of.

We’ve seen bicycles, bikes and even cars running a loop. But what about using your own feet instead?

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

It’s really worth watching the whole thing, despite the fact that it’s basically a commercial for a soft drink.

If you want to be able to tumble and run like Damien Walters, there is a lot of practice ahead of you. But let me point you in the right direction – Tumbling and Acrobatics Starter Package.

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Damien Walters 2011

This video was just released today. It features Damien Walters, one of the greatest acrobats and free runners alive today.

Want to see more? Check out these two videos as well.

Damien Walters 2010
Damien Walters 2009

To get to this level you’ll need lots of practice. Having a facility like his wouldn’t hurt either. And professional coaching would be best.

But to get you started I’d recommend this Tumbling book and Parkour Crash Course.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon
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How to Roll After a Jump

If you have ever jumped in your life, you may have noticed that it is only the beginning of your journey. Depending on the length of your jump in the air you might need to change balance or reposition yourself. Once gravity starts pulling you down, you need to think about how you want to land.

If you are performing a long or high jump, landing is the most important part because executing it properly will keep you safe from injuries. In the video, you are able to see one of the Parkour pioneers David Belle, perform some of his jumps and effectively executing the roll.

The important thing to notice is that after landing on his feet, he rolls over his shoulder. This way, he effectively transfers the momentum and the energy that was used for his jump transfers to the roll.

By landing only only on his feet, he would risk injuring his ankles, feet and legs. The roll allows for flexibility that keeps him safe.

Try practicing on flat land, then from higher platforms and ultimately from a wall. Also work up to harder surfaces but start on something soft.

Even with these simple moves you can move up to a huge level of master. For more Parkour Training info click here.

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon
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How to do a Wallrun

No matter if you have seen it in movies, video games or on other videos, wallruns are always quite astonishing to look at. For a moment it appears as if though you are defying the laws of gravity, and anything that unnatural is certain to impress anyone.

The best way to go with this is to start off slowly by using only one foot and simply walking on the wall, pushing yourself away from it. Start off with the side you feel most comfortable with, and later as you progress you can practice both legs.

Once you have done a few tries with only one step, try incorporating the second one as shown on the video. This time you will need to gain more momentum. To do this, you need to start thinking of a Wallrun as a long jump, so the more speed you get the higher you go, and the longer your Wallrun will be.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

However, be sure to start off slowly and only progress as you become comfortable with the way you are going. This is a pretty easy skill to learn with just a little practice.

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Art of Motion

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon

As I was browsing for some interesting videos on Youtube, I ended up being glued on this one. The video is a compilation of vaults, jumps and flips done by these inhuman like individuals. I cannot help but think how in the world did they come up with this?

I quickly pulled up another tab and searched about Parkour. I read the definition and upon going through the lines, it definitely made sense. It is an alternative way to fighting. In other words, this is how you suppose to run away from danger effectively and with style.

Anyways, these individuals are showing us what we are capable of. Indeed, a lot is still to be discovered in the human physical ability. After watching the video, I now think that the world would be 5% to 10% peaceful if people would only choose to “Parkour” their way out of trouble.

I will be looking to search for more of these videos which for me, sends a positive image and a unique way to promote a trouble free environment. That’s what I call art of motion.

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Another Great Free Running Video

Here’s another great free running video. This one has some high quality footage with good camera angles. It looks like many of these were shot for commercials and perhaps some movies too.

The action starts after about 30 seconds. Also a little more than a minute in you’ll notice stunts being done at a gymnastic center. It seems that many of the top people do much of their practice there. It makes sense. Allows you to practice harder tricks in a safer environment and one in which you can setup exactly what you need.

I especially like the feat at 1:48. Jumping and sticking in a handstand position. Also again at 2:39

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

Again if you want to get started learning Parkour and many of these skills yourself I recommend you check out the Parkour Crash Course put out by the Tapp brothers.

Good Luck and Good Free Running,
Logan Christopher

P.S. If you know of any great videos I should check out either enter them in the comments below or shoot me an email. Thanks!

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Awesome Free Running Video

You can spend a lot of time on Youtube looking around at videos on many cool things. Parkour and Free running are two such things.

But instead of you looking I’ll highlight a few of the best in the coming weeks here on the blog. This first one is long but has tons of great tricks as it s a compilation of the best.

You’ll find all kinds of acrobatics as well as a little bit of hand balancing and strength moves, like the human flag, thrown in.

And if you want to get started learning Parkour and many of these skills yourself I recommend you check out the Parkour Crash Course.

This is put out by the Tapp Brothers of which I recommended their Backflip program and it was hugely popular.

Good Luck and Good Free Running,
Logan Christopher

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

P.S. If you know of any great videos I should check out either enter them in the comments below or shoot me an email. Thanks!

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Science behind Parkour

I saw this video over at Gymnastics Coaching and thought it was worth sharing. While I’m not surprised like the hosts of the shows seem to be it is a fun watch.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

Want to gain these skills? Then I highly suggest you check out the Parkour Crash Course.

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Trampolining and Tumbling

Trampolining and tumbling go together hand in hand. Trampolining involves doing all sorts of acrobatic tricks on a trampoline which provides much more height. Tumbling involves doing the same or similar moves on the floor (and with gymnastic spring floors more height can be had).

I’ve mentioned this before. When I first started doing gymnastics I never really used the trampoline. My idea was that I should be able to do all the moves without artificial apparatus. Basically I wanted to be able to do every move outside.

The problem with this idea is that the trampoline is such a useful tool. Although it easily allows you to get tons of air without needed to generate it yourself (by jumping off the ground for instance) you need to control your body in the air. The same control and acrobatic ability in the air is applicable to being on a trampoline or not. It doesn’t really matter.

So even if you only want to do moves outside like I did, the trampoline is a useful tool for getting there.

Just ask Damien Walters. One of the best out there in free running and all manner of acrobatic stunts. One of his primary training methods and tools is the trampoline even competing in the trampoline world championships along with doing all manner of stunts in the gym and out.

For this reason you should use everything available to you. Set goals for tricks you can do on a trampoline. If you need ideas on getting started check out the Trampoline Handbook. In it you’ll find 48 different moves to work on. These range from basic to intermediate. From there the world of trampolining really opens up. Work on doing more complex tricks as well as stringing several more basic tricks together.

Here’s a video showing some amazing trampolining stunts from Adam Menzies along with some other moves at the end.

Want to do a twisting backflip? Do it on the trampoline first and nail it down, before moving onto the floor. Not to mention a trampoline can just be a lot of fun.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

When it comes to tumbling on the floor you should follow the same progressions. Work on what you can and build from there. For a wide range of moves (248 to be exact) check out Tumbling Illustrated. And again, do more complex moves and focus on stringing moves together.

The truth is just about anyone can build up decent acrobatic skills if they work on it with persistence. You may not be trying out for Cirque du Soleil anytime soon but you’ll master moves few people can do.

Trampolining and tumbling skills are well worth going after. Working on one will help the other and vice versa. Use the combination and get better starting today.

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