A big thanks to Chris for sending this picture in after last weeks email on the Victorian.
Who needs rings when you’ve got a partner? This is basically the Victorian held in a partner balance.
Notice how far the false grip is used. A necessity as every little bit helps the extreme leverage in this feat.
Having not tried this feat I can’t say for sure but I imagine the partner’s hands add a bit more support than the rings would.
And for a perfect Victorian the hands would have to be brought down a little more towards the hips.
Not to take anything away from this acrobatic feat. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything else like this one.
Which brings up another point. If you’ve got any remarkable hand balancing photos send them to info@lostartofhandbalancing.com and there’s a good chance they make an appearance up on the blog.
Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher