Tag Archives | Good Luck

Finger Handstand

Shaolin Fingertip Handstand

Two Finger Handstand by Shaolin Monk

Fingertip training is one of the less common forms of hand balancing today. In fact you hardly see it at all.

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t practice it.

First some words of caution. The fingers are small and fragile. If you move into this realm too fast, you may end up breaking them, snapping tendons or any number of bad things so be careful.

Starting with a fingertip handstand is probably too much for most people. Even this most basic move must be worked up to. And fingertip pushups are the best way to do that.

Even without practicing finger balancing you hand and finger strength will improve. Just from the practice of balancing on your hands you can’t help but gain some strength in your digits.

But for true fingertip stunts you need to do them in one form or another.

If you are ready for the fingertip handstand then I suggest using a wall on your first go. Holding your bodyweight on your fingers is one thing. Balancing is another.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon

Not only do you have a smaller base of support but you must add pressure in order to stay balanced. This makes your fingers support your weight and then some.

Once you can hold the fingertip stand it’s a matter of progressing until you reach your goal.

That goal may be the Thumb Stand made famous by Bob Jones. Doing it on top of Indian clubs is up to you.Or maybe you want to hold an index finger stand.

In Shaolin: Wheel of Life one of the stunts performed is a handstand held on the two index fingers. He has his feet supported but it’s still one of the most impressive feats possible.

If you don’t have a copy of this video yet get one now. It’s one of the most motivational, inspirational, and awe-inspiring videos in existence.

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Which Handstand Style should you do?

Another article has been added to the site. If you have ever wondered what style of handstand you should do, whether arched or straight, this one is for you – Different Styles of Handstands.

Be sure to check it out but before you do I wanted to mention something that might be on your mind.

I have received a number of questions about the monthly newsletter that’s one of the bonuses with the Hand Balancing Mastery Course.

For one, if you have ordered a course and not received it its because the first issue has not yet shipped. But don’t worry yours will go out when its ready.

Most people are visual learners so I figured sending a monthly DVD, along with the newsletter, would be the best way to teach hand balancing and related arts.

Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

The camera I had for the job just wasn’t going to cut it so I just got a brand new camcorder which arrived today. As soon as it stops raining I will be shooting film outside.

Depending on the learning curve and how fast I edit will determine how soon it’s finished and ready to go.

If you’re interested in getting on board, but haven’t bought the course yet, no worries because you’ll be able to sign up in other ways soon. More details to come on that when its ready.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Don’t forget about that new handstand article. Feel free to send any feedback you have.

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Bridge Exercises

This picture was taken over a year ago of this bridge exercise. I’m the guy on the bottom in the wrestler’s bridge, while my friend, Tyler, is doing a hand bridge on top. I call it the Double Bridge.

Double Bridge Stunt

You might wonder what possessed us to try this stunt. The answer is just for fun and to see if we could pull it off.

The motivation was in seeing a couple of pictures in The True Are and Science of Hand Balancing. Bridging and hand balancing have always gone together because they both take strength, flexibility, and skill.

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon

I pulled a couple more pictures out from the Inspirational Photo Section displaying some bridging stunts. In the book there are over 130 pictures in this section alone giving you all kinds of trick you could shoot for. That’s not counting the photos which show you how to perform all manner of hand balancing stunts throughout the rest of the book.

Bridging Stunts

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, the pictures in this book alone are worth the price.

Since doing this stunt, I have wanted to give it another shot because I think we could make it look better. But it is one of those one time things, at least for now.

Bridging of all kinds is something you must work up to, especially pulling off feats like this. There will be more on this topic in the future as I believe I am one of a handful of people pushing the envelope on this skill set, just like some of the old time strongmen.

If you’ve never done anything like this, get started slowly.

Good Luck and Good Bridging,
Logan Christopher

P.S. To get much more on bridging exercises check out the Advanced Bridging Course

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Ichiske Ishikawa's One Hand Handstand Stunt

Here comes yet another story from Ray Van Cleef.

Some of the greatest foreign acrobatic performers to tour this continent come from the “land of the rising sun”. The Ishikawa Brothers left a mark that will long endure in the acrobatics’ hall of fame.

This Japanese troupe consisted of four remarkably skilled equilibrists. The caliber of their act can be gauged from this sole stunt Ichiske Ishikawa regularly performed.

It would start with a one hand stand at the tip of a triangular staircase prop. After mounting into this balance, Ichiske would do a series of one hand hops descending the stairs.

From here he would continue performing the jumping steps in this one hand stand balance position until he approached the outlights. Then he would stop and lower his body into a side planche position.

From here he would shift back to the erect one hand stand position, without touching his other hand to the floor, to conclude this prodigious routine.

Ichiske Ishikawa

If you can replicate this routine then you deserve to have your story told 50 years from now as well.

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. I’ve decided to kick off the New Year with a special event that could make a big difference in what you accomplish in 2008. Stay tuned.

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Death Defying Handstands

Here comes another story from Acro-chat magazine. This one was written by Ray Van Cleef.

Flirting with death yielded the “Open Sesame” to Inguar Anderson’s zealous desire to become a circus performer. His efforts to secure an opportunity were repulsed until he resorted to death defying stunts to gain recognition.

This daring 27 year old gymnast performed a series of hazardous feats, including a handstand on a tight rope suspended 800 feet above a rocky terrain. The risks he assumed were rewarded with offers by several circus managers who witnessed this perilous display. “Where there is a will there is a way” is an apropos summary of this plucky Swede’s success.

Inguar Andersson Handstand

Sure its a good way to grab attention but don’t be trying this one out when you’re just starting out. In fact wait until you have at least 10 years of experience under your belt.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

Tumbling Illustrated
Tumbling Illustrated on Amazon

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Professor Orlick's Books Available Now

Your education is the one thing you should pay more for than anything else.

If you really want to become a master at the art of hand balancing or any other than you should expect to pay for the greats to teach you in one way or another.

Professor Orlick, Paulinetti and Robert Jones are no longer with us but their teachings live on in the form of their books.

It is their legacy.

If you choose to, you can pave your own way but who has the time or energy to go through all the mistakes on their own. Why not take the shortcuts if they are available to you?

Still, I realized that the Hand Balancing Mastery Course being over one hundred dollars may be too steep of a price for some people to pay for any number of reasons.

That being the case I have decided to release each of Professor Orlick’s books by themselves.

Now you can get Hand Balancing Made Easy for just $29.95

You can buy Walking and Jumping on Your Hands for only $29.95

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

And you can learn How to do the One Hand Handstand for $29.95

Each book will guide you through what you need to know step by step to perfect these incredible stunts.

I just watched a video of one of my subscribers doing a show in Brazil. He can pull off tricks that most people would think impossible. Even at this level, he bought everything I’m offering because he wants to be even better.

This is someone who will accomplish a lot because he is investing in his success.

How about you?

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Don’t think that the Hand Balancing Mastery Course is gone. It still is the greatest program available to become a great hand balancer and I highly suggest you grab yourself a copy.

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Handstand Balancing, Positions and More

Here’s another question from John in England.

Hello Logan, I’ve just received your manual which I ordered, thanks for sending it so prompt. I’m just approaching 40 years old and have become determined to do handstands and a few other basic gymnastic exercises. I’ve been practicing against a wall for a few months and can hold a wall handstand for just under a minute but I’m having a lot of trouble transferring that skill away from the wall. I’m trying to concentrate on my fingers and wrists to balance without much luck. Any tips. Also how long should you be looking to hold a stationary free handstand before moving on to the next section of your course and handstands with unusual leg positions.

Well John first off I want to commend you for going after these skills at an age where most men are content with doing zero physical activity.

There are a few questions here so I will tackle them one at a time.

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

The article I wrote last week may help with the balancing aspect. You can read that here: Handstands and Scientific Balancing

Some of the lead-up stunts described in the Hand Balancing Mastery Course are a big help in teaching you the balance.Still it takes practice to get the ‘feel’ of the handstand.

There will be more on this subject soon since it seems to be everyone’s mind judging from the number of questions I‘m getting.

As for how long should you hold each position? This is up to you. At a bare minimum I would say 15 seconds. But 30 seconds would probably be better.

I can remember my first half minute handstand. It was quite exciting and perhaps I will share that story with you another time.

Once you move onto the variations found in the course you don’t need to set a record with each one. Just master the position. I personally like to move from one position to the next and so on but holding them works just as well.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. The new Ask A Question section of the site seems to be a hit. While I may not reply personally to your question it will let me know what you want covered here.

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Handstands and Scientific Balancing

It looks like the new Ask A Question section on the site is popular.You can let me know any problems you are having and I will answer them.

Here’s one question from Andres (and he‘s not the only one asking this).

Hi yes, I will get right to the point so you don’t have to waste time. When doing a handstand, is balancing with hands (duh), I’m still kind of new to it, and I’m having a bit of trouble of the balancing in the core part, meaning the hands. I know it is not a strength issue. Can you give more tips, or go more in depth in what the hands should do or what the wrists do to help the hands and so on.

Thank You.

This seems to be the hardest part for anyone to learn. While it doesn’t take much strength to hold a normal handstand the balancing part sure can be difficult.

Though you balance with your hands that is only part of the equation.

I’ve written a new article that just might clear up a few things to help you along.

Handstands and Scientific Balancing

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Lost Art of Hand Balancing Courses are now in over 10 different countries across the world. Have you got yours yet?

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

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New Lost Art of Hand Balancing Website

I have finished the updates to the new site. Just go to https://lostartofhandbalancing.com to check it out.You’ll also notice a few new sections added in.

Success Stories
Read and see people like you that have used the information gained here to gain hand balancing and acrobatic skills. Full of good information and tips about what helped them get to where they are.

You can read a few of the submissions from the contest last month including the winner of the Hand Balancing Mastery Course, David Kelso. There is some good stuff in this area so start reading.

Here are some outside sites and resources you can use to further your goals. There isn’t too much there but I will be adding to it over time.

Ask A Question
Do you have any burning questions you want answered on the topics of hand balancing, acrobatics, or training? Here is now the place to ask. Just submit your question and it will be answered probably in an email like this.

What’s New?
It will be frequently updated with all the latest updates and news about what is going on around here at the site. If your stuck away for awhile you can come back here to see the newest happenings.

Now I have a favor to ask of you. If you notice any broken links or pictures not showing up please reply to this email and let me know. I did some extensive testing but I may have missed something.

And secondly, let me know what you think about it. Love it or hate it, tell me what you think about the updated site.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

P.S. I have reposted some old emails from before I had a blog on the blog. If you weren’t around from the very beginning you’ll want to give them a read.

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The Basics of Handstands


Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

I just put up two new articles on the website. You can check them out here:

Benefits of Hand Balancing

Safety Concerns of Hand Balancing

They cover some basic stuff you should know before you begin. There will be more coming soon on all the basics of hand balancing.

A few people have been asking me to have more advanced tricks and tips on the site. While I will be adding some you should realize that all the trickier moves are built off of the basics. Everything still applies.

In my own training I have been backing off the one handstand a bit since I seemed to hit a plateau and revisiting the basic moves laid out in Prof. Orlick’s Handbalancing Made Easy. Just remember that you can never be too good with the basics.

If you want to see these basic moves and more then go check out the Hand Balancing Mastery Course.

You can get Handbalancing Made Easy along with a lot more for $97 but that won’t last much longer. If you’ve been thinking about whether or not to get it now, remember that this introductory price only goes for four more days until the end of November.

Don’t be slacking off through the end of the year. Keep on standing on those hands.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Actually I am currently working on updating the whole website, slightly changing the format and adding new sections to benefit you. I’ll let you know when it’s ready.

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