Tag Archives | Halloween

Block Building Handstand

Rafael Guerrero's Block Building Handstand

Rafael Guerrero's Block Building Handstand

One very impressive handstand stunt is to raise yourself off the ground by block building.

Start in a handstand with a stack of bricks or similar objects nearby.  Shift over to one hand and grab a block with the other. Set that block down, shift your weight onto that arm then repeat on the other side. You build yourself up one block at a time.

Tumbling Illustrated
Tumbling Illustrated on Amazon

This is an advanced skill as you’ll have to be in a one arm handstand much of the time even in just momentarily.

But its sure to impress anyone watching. And once you reach the top you can go down the same way or maybe jump off your blocks.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. The Halloween Sale is going strong. Check out how you can save on all hand balancing and acrobatic programs here.

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Get Free Bridging Info

If you celebrated Halloween this past Friday, I hope you had a good one. Mine was certainly an interesting night.

Now that its over we’re into the home stretch of 2008. Just two months left in the year. Now you can relax in all your efforts as the holidays come upon us…

Or you can use that same time to move forward, while still enjoying the holidays.

I choose the later and I hope you do too. Instead of slacking off, you can double your efforts and set the pace for 2009.

Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

And here’s something that may help you to do just that.

A few weeks back I held a limited time offer to get on the pre-production offer of the brand new Advanced Bridging Course. If you took me up on the offer great, your course will be out in the mail by tomorrow.

And if you didn’t you have a second chance. But not quite yet.

Before I make the course available again, I want to share with you some fr.ee information on why adding bridging in its different forms to your training is a good idea.

I’ll be releasing a special report near the end of this week, giving some of the details on how I came to this point. In addition to that, I’ll be sharing select video clips from the course.

All you have to do is raise your hand and say I’m interested. Just go to the following page and enter your name and email. In a few days you’ll get the fr.ee info.


Like I said I will be selling the full course next week. If its something you’re interested in after I’ve shown you a small piece of what’s inside then you’ll be able to get it.

But if you only want to take a look at the fr.ee stuff to see if it’s a fit for you, that’s fine too.

Head on over to the site, to enter you name and email. That’s all you gotta do.

Advanced Bridging Exercises

Good Luck and Good Bridging,
Logan Christopher

P.S. I know its called advanced bridging, but really this is for all levels. If its something you want to learn more about it sign-up now.

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