Tag Archives | hand balancing duo

Balancing on Knifes

There are acrobats in almost every season of America’s Got Talent and the latest one is no different. Two Vladimir’s from Ukraine are seen performing a lot of hand-to-hand balancing acts followed by a daring act in which one of them balances on top of another via knifepoint.

Tumbling Illustrated
Tumbling Illustrated on Amazon

Pretty scary stuff, especially considering their previous hand-to-hand move was a bit wobbly.

Do you think they’ll make it far into the show?

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Impressive Hand Balancing Duo

We already had a video from Dan where he balanced on his head on a stump. Today it’s a little bit different as Jakes and Rhiannon join for some hand balancing coolness.

Jakes neck strength plays a very important role when Rhi performs theĀ one-arm handstand on his head and even though it looks kinda wobbly, it’s all good.

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

Check out the best book on learning how to perform the one hand handstand here.

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Sensual Hand Balancing Duo

Watch this video on an amazing hand balancing duo.

It’s French. It’s seductive. It’s also got some partner balancing I’ve never seen before.

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon

Quite the complement of strength, skill and flexibility.

Thanks to Adam Glass for sending this to me.

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