Tag Archives | handstand freezes

Handstand Freezes

The bboy world has a lot of crossover with the hand balancing world. It starts with as simple as the handstand freezes. This video gives you some training tips on doing just that.

Handstand Freezes

There is a decent progression shown in this couple on minutes.

1 – Do a handstand against the wall
2 – Do a one handed handstand against the wall
3 – Do handstands freezes out in the open
4 – Do one arm handstand freezes out in the open (this isn’t shown but is implied)

In bboying the handstands aren’t held for long, but are short stalls, hence the name freeze, as you move from one move to the next.

Still by training in the handstand as you’ll find on this site you could do a lot to improve you bboy skills, especially in handstand freezes.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon
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