Tag Archives | handstand system

Why Handstands Take So Long To Learn

I received this email the other day from Dunte and I thought it was worth sharing with you.

Especially in this day and age everyone wants instant success in anything they do. And if you can’t deliver that to them, they don’t want your help, as they aren’t willing to do the work to get it. This is as true with handstands as anything else. Read the message below then I’ll follow it up with a few more ideas…

I am a personal trainer full-time, but am also a trained educator and have studied human development pretty extensively.

Short version: for those getting frustrated with their “apparent” lack of progress in the handstand (or any other balancing or fine motor skill), this general timeline from infant motor development might be illuminating.

7 months – can stand or pull up to standing, supported by objects
9 months – can walk/move while standing, with support
10 months – can stand freely (briefly)
11 months – can stand freely with confidence
12 months – can walk freely
14-17 months – can walk/climb freely
18 months – can manipulate objects while moving

So, total elapsed time for the “average” infant is 11 months from getting upright to playing in the standing position! My daughter took roughly that long as well. Thinking this way has made me much more comfortable with the small, incremental improvements that regular handbalancing practice brings, instead of being frustrated about “not getting it” for so long. Considering this, as well as the timeline for training my clients toward graceful single-leg movements, I feel pretty good about the long path ahead to the single-arm free handstand push-up as well.

Maybe that insight would help some of your readers!

The Fit Life

Thank you Dunte and I completely agree with you.

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon

Just imagine if your average person stuck to standing and walking like they do to other things in their life. We’d have a lot of people that were immobile. Yet the baby keeps on trying. And if you want to learn the handstand, and any more complicated movements you’ll have to do the same.

As much as I wish I could sell you a Magic Pill that gave you instant hand balancing mastery, that’s just not going to happen. As hard as learning to stand on your feet was, the hands and arms are smaller and you’re bigger, making it even harder to do.

With the Secrets of the Handstand Quick Start I try to give you the best proven path to attaining a handstand. Even then with time spent doing the lead-up stunts, it will still take some work. With this system you may be able to shave months off your learning curve, but it will still take practice and dedication.

Stay dedicated and you can accomplish anything you desire.

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Giving Away My Handstand System

I’m doing something radical…and you benefit.

You know the Secrets of the Handstand Quick Start DVD which regularly sells on the site for $29.95.

Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

Yep, I’m now literally giving that away with no catch, unless you call getting more tips and updates via my email newsletter a catch.

All you have to do to get it is sign up right there on the side.

Free Handstand Video

Free Handstand Video

Why am I doing this? It’s a test and thus may not be available for long.

But I want more people to get started with handstands. I know my system is the best way to get someone into a stable freestanding handstand, short of one on one coaching.

And my hope is that once you can do the handstand with ease you’ll move onto the more difficult stunts and perhaps buy my other books and courses to learn those.

Plus I want you to share this with everyone you know. Tell your friends. Post on facebook, twitter, on your own blog. All I ask is that you link to the signup page – https://lostartofhandbalancing.com/free-handstand-video/ – rather than directly to the video so they can sign up as well.

Also this is my way of saying thanks to you.


Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

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