Tag Archives | how to land safely

How to Land Safely From the Parallettes Handstand

The first part of the video from GMB covers how to get out of bent arm stand, but for purpose of this post we’ll focus on the second part which teaches us how to bail out from a handstand on parallettes. The technique used for both is pretty similar anyway – a cartwheel, but with a twist.

Instead of going up and over, this technique relies on:

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon
  • Pushing, twisting and going out at an angle
  • Keeping your arms straight
  • Gradual practice of kicking up and going over

For this and other exercises which can be done with or without parallettes, make sure to check out Gold Medal Bodies Parallettes Training program.


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How to Bail Safely

If you are just getting started with parkour, it would be wise to learn how to land safely. In this video from Caleb you’ll learn how to master a basic landing technique, ways to bounce back when you miss a jump, land safely while falling back, to sides or forward.

The video takes advantage of annotations in a great way, letting you jump to a specific part of the video with a click of a button.

Tumbling Illustrated
Tumbling Illustrated on Amazon

Most people are capable of performing basic acrobatic skills before they advance to parkour. This package is made for all those who want to learn how to flip, perform a handspring, somersaults and much more.

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