Tag Archives | jumping handstand

Handstand Clap Pushup

The handstand clap pushup is an amazing skill. In this post you’ll learn about and see a couple different ways to do it.

Although it’s called a “pushup” the truth is the easiest way to do it is to not really do a pushup. By generating a jumping action from the feet you can launch yourself into the air, clap, and then land back in the handstand.

Here is a good example of that. There is only a slight bend in the arms before launching and when landing.

Contrast that to this one. Here the jump is generated fully from the legs, but it is not caught in a handstand position or even close to it. The guy ends up in basically the bottom of the handstand pushup and must press back up.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

Now here is where it truly becomes handstand pushup with claps and not just a jumping handstand with a clap. Not only does he not use the legs at all but he manages several reps in a row.

These strict handstand clap pushups are tough to do. Even the earlier version are going to be outside the realm of what most people can manage.

To work up to this skill I would recommend:

1) Learn how to hold a stable handstand.
2) Build handstand pushup strength.
3) Learn how to jump with your hands (if you’re going for that version).
4) Build a lot more handstand pushup strength (for the strict version).

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Another Great Free Running Video

Here’s another great free running video. This one has some high quality footage with good camera angles. It looks like many of these were shot for commercials and perhaps some movies too.

The action starts after about 30 seconds. Also a little more than a minute in you’ll notice stunts being done at a gymnastic center. It seems that many of the top people do much of their practice there. It makes sense. Allows you to practice harder tricks in a safer environment and one in which you can setup exactly what you need.

I especially like the feat at 1:48. Jumping and sticking in a handstand position. Also again at 2:39

Again if you want to get started learning Parkour and many of these skills yourself I recommend you check out the Parkour Crash Course put out by the Tapp brothers.

Good Luck and Good Free Running,
Logan Christopher

P.S. If you know of any great videos I should check out either enter them in the comments below or shoot me an email. Thanks!

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon
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