Tag Archives | Last Time

Walking on Your Hands Article

I hope you’ve been enjoying the Olympics. Although I’ve been traveling around, now that I’m settled back in I’ll be watching a lot more.

And it just so happens that today is when the finals for gymnastics start. Which as I said before contain some of my favorite events. There are others but I think Gymnastics tops them all.

If you live in the US and want to know what’s going on I recommend you check out www.nbcolympics.com for tons of coverage, details and everything else you need.

On top of that I got the new article and video up on the site.

This one covers a few tips on walking on the hands. Including one of the best methods to develop real control while doing it. Walking on the hands that will make your stationary handstand better.

You don’t need to be an Olympic level athlete to do this! Learn how to Walk on Your Hands here.

The video is just a piece of the DVD coming with this month’s Acrobat Accelerator. There is still time to get your hands on it. But there are only 17 left. Once its gone its gone.

And remember from last time it includes my biggest tip on learning to balance on your hands.

If you are just starting out I recommend you go with the Secrets of the Handstand Quickstart Guide. You’ll get everything you need to do a handstand plus this month’s tips and tricks.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christophe

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Leading up to any Handstand Stunt

Seemed to have raised some interest with my last email. So I’ve decided to go into a little more depth on the subject.

To sum up what I said last time: The best way to learn the handstand, one hand handstand, or any stunt is not to do the move itself, in the beginning, but work on lead-up stunts.

Obviously at a certain point you will need to work on the skill itself in order to master it but you shouldn’t start there.

If you look at a weightlifting move like the deadlift, let’s say you have a goal to lift 500 lbs. You wouldn’t start out trying to lift this weight because most likely you could not even budge it. No, you start with what you can do and move up in weight from there.

If your goal is to do a move like the one hand handstand you can’t just start with a lighter weight. Most bodyweight exercises don’t work this way. Just going for the move is like trying to deadlift 500 lbs. when your max is 300. Not gonna happen.

An easier version of the move is essentially the same thing as a lighter weight. When you are good with one move you move on to a harder variation, just like adding weight.

Failing to do this is why so many people never reach their goal. They just try the move over and over seeing little or no progress.

One move for the one hand handstand is to place your other arm on a raised box or chair and use it to help balance.

For the normal handstand you have moves like the headstand and frogstand. But there are many more for these moves and others.

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon

That’s the genius in how Professor Orlick taught his students. Each move leads in to the next. For the best methods of mastering any hand balancing move check out the Hand Balancing Mastery Course.

If you learn this lesson well, you can apply to many other forms of exercise.By training in this manner you can and will progress much faster. I guarantee it.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Right now you can do no better than to get what has been affectionately referred to as the “Hand Balancing Bible“.

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The Show Must Go On

There I was busily typing away, working on a future project, when my laptop started to make a clicking noise. I sat there mesmerized as it froze up and then died.

Son of a…

I tired several times to restart the computer but to no avail. A visit to a repair place and a call to tech support later and I am stuck in the same boat.

Unfortunately, this means no computer for some time. Maybe weeks while I send it in to the repair place and wait for it to come back.

Now I expect computers to do this sort of thing when they are old but I bought this laptop just 6 months ago.

Thankfully I can get to the public library and use the internet. Still a hassle but I’m glad its there when you need it.

Having no computer sure makes running and online business a bit of a challenge. But I’ll manage.

These emails will go out on a semi-regular basis. Anything you buy – https://lostartofhandbalancing.com/products.html – will still be processed and shipped in a timely manner.

Other things like adding articles, pictures, or new web pages will have to wait for now. There is lots in the works as far as video lessons are concerned but that too will go on hold.

In the mean time I’ll be searching for a work-around for this little problem. If this sounded like a sob story I didn’t intend it to be. Just letting you know whats going on.

Which brings me to hand balancing.

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

Its nice when you think about it. It requires zero equipment. Nothing to crash and burn leaving you helpless.

Just you and the ground (the last time I checked thats in plentiful supply and if it goes away you got bigger problems to worry about then hand balancing).

The only thing that can stop you from becoming an accomplished hand balancer is you. There are no excuses.

In the words of Nike, “Just Do It.”

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Of course its wise to learn from those that have come before you. And that’s how you put yourself on the fast-track to hand balancing success.

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Hand Balancing Mastery Course Details

The Hand Balancing Mastery Course is made up of three books, one of which is How to do the One Hand Handstand which I talked about last time.

The first book in the course is titled Handbalancing Made Easy. This is the book that every beginner should start with. It covers a lot more than just the handstand.

Inside you’ll find many exercises, using bodyweight, dumbbells, barbells, and more to build up the strength you need for hand balancing. You’ll find many other stunts and tricks that will help you get started with your first handstand.

Once your handstand is solid you can move on to the whole bunch of variations in your hand, body, head and leg positions.

And this just scratches the surface.

The other volume is Walking and Jumping on Your Hands. And it will show you how to do just that. The beauty comes in how simple he breaks down the various steps so that you can be climbing a staircase in as little time as possible.

Plus you will also find many variations on the themes that may never have occurred to you. Did you ever think to do a long jump on your hands? How about trying to run? Or climb a ladder?

I also added a section to the course myself. In these special reports you will find out about some of the most common problems that stump people interested in hand balancing. Questions like when and how should I train, what should I focus on, how do I track my progress, and more will all be answered.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon

But that’s not all.

There are a number of bonuses including interviews with some experts that you‘ve got to hear. I be filling you in on those details next time.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Also next time you’ll see how you can join the VIP list so you can get first crack at buying your copy and getting a chance at the additional fast-action bonuses.

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Handstands and Wrist Strength Part 2 and More

Last time we talked about how you can overcome pain and poor flexibility in your wrists so that you can pursue hand balancing. A subscriber pointed out a few points which are certainly worth mentioning.

There is a way to work around this problem. Handstands can also be done on parallel bars or pushup handles and still be very effective. Rings work too but are even more of a challenge.

Though the body mechanics remain the same, how you go about balancing becomes a different matter.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon

For most people it will be much harder to balance because your base is smaller. Not the best way to get started on your handstands. But with some work you can balance with ease on any parallettes. And certainly if you are using a wall it is not a problem.

While this is a viable method it will not help the problem itself. You need to build the strength and flexibility and not skirt the issue.

Use this method to get some practice in the handstands if you need it but be sure to work the wrists. After all you can’t go wrong with a strong pair of hands.

Now on to a couple announcements.

The survey is now closed. Thank to all of you for participating. It will take some effort to pour over all the results but I can tell you they will result in some new and exciting changes to the site.

Secondly, I will be holding a contest soon. The details will be in my next email but for now just know that you will have a chance to win a full copy of the Hand Balancing Mastery Course coming soon.  In fact, there may be more than one up for grabs.

The particulars on this new product will be announced in the next weeks as well and you won’t want to miss out. So until then…

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

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