Tag Archives | Launch

Handstand Pushup Book

The Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups is now available.

I know a number of you have been waiting for it, and for the launch you can get it now for $10 off the regular price.

Those who ordered during the pre-publication offer should already have their copies, or at least they are on the way.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

For those of you that missed out, now’s your chance.

You can see the full details on handstand pushups here.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. The main focus of this guide is one building strength, but Chapter 10 that covers the freestanding handstand pushup as well. Get your copy of The Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups.

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100-day Handstand Challenge

September 22nd marks a special day. From here there are exactly 100 days left in the year.

Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

Think about what can you accomplish in 100 days?

Here is my encouragement to set a big goal for the end of the year. Pick one thing and go after it with a fury. One hundred days may seem like a long time but it’ll pass quickly. You can use that time to do the same old thing every day or set a new lofty goal to conquer.

I am issuing a challenge to you who have not yet held a free standing handstand.  If you’ve been thinking about starting to give it a try, or have only dabbled in the exercise, now’s the time to go after it full force.

Get my Secrets of the Handstand Quickstart Guide now and by the end of the year you’ll be holding the handstand with ease.

If you follow the system you will get there. I guarantee it.

And if for some reason you don’t succeed in just over three months, you can get a full refund. I’ll even let you keep the guide for giving it a shot.

It takes work to master the handstand, but more than that it takes an intelligent program to get there.

The Secrets of the Handstand Quickstart Guide has that intelligent program. The handstand itself is too difficult to do in the beginning. You need other exercises that lead up to it to build your strength and skill.

You’ll also get this month’s Acrobat Accelerator featuring some of the best drills and exercises I’ve learned from an accomplished gymnast.

If you can’t do the handstand take me up on my challenge.

If you already can choose your own goal and use this last 100 days of 2008 to make a difference.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. A new version of The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing will be in stock soon. Just placed a large order at the printers today after seeing the proof copy. I’ll be holding something of a special event to celebrate the re-launch.

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Tumbling Tip to Train Relaxation + A Deadline

Today is the last day you’ll be able to get your hands on the Tumbling Course for the launch price of $49. After midnight tonight (PST), it goes up to $79.

I know I’ve been mentioning a lot. But I don’t want someone to come after me in an angry manner because they failed to see it coming. This is your last chance!

Now on to a great comment from a reader. About why you NEED to have the most basic tumbling skills.

Also a great tip for training yourself to relax through tumbling moves and not tense up. Something I’ll be practicing myself. I wish I had thought of it.

Hey Logan

This looks like a great course I will be ordering it soon.

I learned many tumbling moves from my Ju Jitsu and Judo training, I think people need to learn this valuable tool.

I remember my instructor telling me a woman who use to take her son to his Ju Jitsu class use to watch them tumble and do break falls.

Well one day she fell down a flight of stairs and was able to walk away from that fall with a few bumps and scrapes, due to her learning how to tumble in her sons class and without ever practicing them.

She told him that if it wasn’t for her being able to tumble she would have broken her neck or back.

So tumbling is not just for exercising only but it can be good for your health and well being, also for self defense purposes as I teach my students to tumble as opposed to break falling, this way they can pop up off the ground and fight standing up instead of staying on the ground and fighting from there if they are knocked down.

That’s not a good place to be in a street fight.

Here is a tip I learned that helped me in tumbling; when rolling in any direction always hum as you do it, as you roll if you catch yourself not humming you tightened up your muscles in that area.

Which means you have to either loosen the muscles in the area or relax more, then when you can hum all the way through the movement you have mastered the roll.

Well take care Logan


Thanks Daniel. Its true that you need to know how to roll should you ever need it.

For some reason I always picture having to roll out of a car going high speeds on the freeway, but falling down stairs is a better example, and much more common.

If you don’t know how to roll safely and effectively, take the time to learn it. If you never move beyond those rolls that’s alright. Just learn those necessary skills.

But if you want to move beyond the basics than you know where to start. (Although this course does teach the most basic moves, as well as everything progressing up to the most advanced.)

Get the Tumbling Course here.

Once again, last chance to get it at this price. Don’t put it off any longer.

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon

Good Luck and Good Tumbling,
Logan Christopher

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A Good Handstand Pyramid Trick for the Triceps

Got another one from Stu Goldberg. That’s him in the middle in the jack-knife position.

3-Person Handstand Pyramid

According to Stu this is one of the toughest middle man tricks. A huge strain on the triceps, as I’m sure you could imagine. But its even worse when the top-mounter ‘planches’ his handstand, like in this case.

The next time you and two of your friends are looking for something to do, give this a shot. Except you might want to get a few years of practice under your belt first.

On another note, I want to remind you that the Tumbling Course launch is winding down. If you want to save $30 and get in on the tele-seminar you have to order before Tuesday at midnight (PST).

If you’ve already ordered I’ll be sending instructions regarding the tele-seminar soon.

Plus I just realized that we passed the One Year Anniversary of the Lost Art of Hand Balancing website last week. Its come a long way in that time, but there is so much more to do. Here’s looking forward to the next year being bigger and better.

A big thanks to all of you for being along for the ride, especially if you were here from the beginning. To celebrate I’m going to put together a special event of sorts. Watch out for that soon.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Not much time left. Join the others and get started tumbling now.

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon
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Stories of Bob Jones and other Hand Balancers

Just a couple weeks ago I was contacted by a man who knew and trained with Bob Jones among many other hand balancers. His name is Stu Goldberg and he has a few stories to share.

I thought you might be interested. Plus there are many pictures too.

Bob Jones Thumb Stand

If you want to learn how Bob used a sewing thread to help balance, or who won the longest handstand contest there’s a new article up. Remembering the Old Hand Balancing Days

Rest assured in the coming weeks I’ll be sharing even more with you.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Only a few days left to get the Tumbling Course at its launch price.

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

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Tumbling Workbook and Dive Rolls

Tumbling Illustrated is the main book I’ve been talking about. But on top of that when you order the Tumbling Course next week you’ll get the Tumbling Workbook.

I explain it fairly well in the video. But to recap, in the workbook you have all 248 moves from Tumbling Illustrated listed by name and picture. What’s missing is the text for each move telling you how its done. But once you’re use to the moves you won’t need anything more than the name and picture to go off of.

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

It’s a different format then Tumbling Illustrated too. The purpose of the workbook is to keep track of your progress. How its done is explained a bit more in the workbook itself.

With 248 moves you’re sure to not remember them all. Although when you have the workbook with you when you’re training, all you have to do is flip the pages to find out new moves to try.

One way of training is to go down a series of moves like I do in the video. I show you many of the moves in the Diving chapter.

Dive rolls are a progression of normal rolls, but somewhere short of mid-air flips. You can continually add height and distance to your dives and they’ll teach you one way of rolling safely on the ground.

I practice these in the sand, because like I said, there is less impact. But you can do them just as well anywhere. With enough practice you could even do them on rough surfaces like concrete, but for training purposes I’d stay away from that.

Put these into practice and more details to follow before the official launch next week.

Good Luck and Good Tumbling,
Logan Christopher

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Hand Balancing Interviews, T-Shirts and VIP's

There is a lot going on here in this message.

First, here are details about the interviews included in the Hand Balancing Mastery Course.

I conducted three interviews with hand balancing experts to see how they trained, what there thoughts were on the subject, and everything else. We went from beginning to advanced stuff.

Jim Bathurst is the first one. One of the main things we covered was how to mix weight training and hand balancing successfully. If you‘ve seen his site, Beast Skills, then you know what this man is capable of. I‘m talking planches, and real one-arm chinnups. But that’s only scratches the surface.

Ed Baran came next. Ed joined an Adult Gymnastic class for the first time at the age of 35 (you know the age when most other people give up on all physical activity). We went over a lot but had many tips on getting the straight body style of handstands like kicking up in the hollow position and more.

And last but not least is Mark Reifkind. Mark was a former all star gymnast who was on the path for Olympic Gold had it not been for debilitating injuries. If you want to learn what it takes to compete on that level you need to hear this.

It was good to hear three different people because each one had there own take on the best way to go after these goals. I took a lot from each one to incorporate in my own training and you can do the same.

Now, you may have been wondering what’s up with the subject line.

It just so happens that the Lost Art of Hand Balancing T-Shirt is now available. You can check it out here: Lost Art of Hand Balancing T-Shirt. But don’t order yours right now.

Here’s why.

In addition to all the great information inside the course I will be giving away a few fast-action bonuses for those that act quick in claiming their copy. One of which happens to be a few T-shirts.

The official launch date is the 21st but here is how you can get in even earlier. I have set up a VIP list that will get early access to the Hand Balancing Mastery Course and snap up the extra bonuses.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon

Go to Hand Balancing VIP List to sign up.

Look for a great tip on hand balancing from the course coming at you this weekend.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Don’t forget the contest is still in effect but closes up this Monday. Get your success story in and win. Details can be found on the blog at the Lost Art of Hand Balancing Blog

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