Tag Archives | Logan

Handstand Stunts from the Olympics

Have you been watching as much of the Olympics as I have?

Honestly it’s a bit tiring staying up until the early morning hours since they take place halfway around the world from where I am. But what can I say, they only come around every four years.

And its always a pleasure of mine to watch the best in the world do what they do.

There’s been exciting matches, close calls and comebacks all around. Plus new world records are broken everyday. (Did you see Jamaica’s Usain Bolt on the 100m dash?)

Great events in gymnastics and they aren’t done yet. One problem I have with professional gymnastics is the judging because it’s not perfect. Since it’s done by humans it doesn’t always seem fair. But that’s how it is.

Tumbling Illustrated
Tumbling Illustrated on Amazon

It shouldn’t take away from the pleasure of watching the athletes.

One exercise I’ve been seeing a lot of in the Men’s Floor Routines is a straight arm straddle press from a crucifix position. Also known as a Maltese Press to a Wide Arm Handstand or a Swallow Press to a Japanese Handstand.

Considering this is a D skill it may be out of your range but that doesn’t mean you can’t try the wide handstand itself.

Place your hands wide on the ground, with the hands out and the thumbs pointing forward. Kick-up into position and attempt to hold.

Alternatively you can jump from a normal handstand into the wide handstand. With a little push on the hands slide them outward in position.

Just another variation you can have fun with. And thanks to the Olympics for reminding me of it.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. You need to master the regular handstand before you attempt any variations. Get step-by-step handstand instructions here.

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Combining Kettlebell Juggling with Acrobatics

The other day I went to a park that’s only a couple blocks away to do a little bit of training.

Nothing scheduled, just to work on some skills and have a little fun.

Various acrobatic moves. I’m always working on the backflip in order to get better. Plus walking around on the hands and the like.

On top of that I brought along a kettlebell. Not a heavy one, only 35 lbs., to do some kettlebell juggling.

I always enjoy this combo. Acrobatic work along with the kettlebell juggling.

Besides them both being fun I find that the juggling tends to work the body in ways hand balancing and tumbling doesn’t.

Toss the weight around. Do a few backflips. Toss it around some more. Work on a one hand handstand. And so on and so forth.

Thirty minutes will blow by so quick and in that time you’ll achieved much. Get a decent workout without trying hard at all. But most importantly you’ll quickly improve your skills. Especially if you string a few practices like this together on a consistent basis.

Now I know that kettlebell juggling isn’t for everyone, nor is hand balancing for that matter. But if you like one I think you should at least give the other a spin.

Over the years I’ve gotten quite good with the kettlebell juggling. And now I can teach you all my moves.

I just released a two DVD set covering everything I know about kettlebell juggling.

I like to keep the various sites I have separate because I know some people are only interested in certain aspects of training. Which is fine and why in general I do just that.

But I just wanted to put out this one notice in case anyone who would be interested missed my other websites.

Like I said before I think they go well together. So give it a shot, you’ll be glad you did. Click here for The Definitve Guide to Kettlebell Juggling

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Of course you need a kettlebell to get started and if you don’t have one you can get the best here.

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Basic Handstand Help

I’ve received quite a few questions lately, so today I’m going to dive into the proverbially mail bag. Remember you can submit your hand balancing questions here.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

Here’s a few different questions from Cheryl.

“Which part of my body to focus for balancing when i hold a handstand. Do I use my backbend to balance? Do I inner or outer rotate my thighs to balance? Do I grip my fingers to balance? thank you very much.”

“How to lift to handstand as each time i kick up I will either past centre or cant reach the centre. Which part of my body should I engage and how? Thank you very much.”

These are good questions Cheryl and they actually overlap a bit.

You want your entire body to stay tight, from you toes through your back all the way to your fingers. At no point (except when doing certain tricks) should you be balancing by using your legs or back.

The balance should be maintained with pressure of the fingertips. You can maintain balance with your arms and shoulders but for a beginner you should get these just as locked out as the rest of the body and use only the fingers.

The kick-up is a skill in and of itself that must be specifically practiced like the handstand. Improve your kick-up and getting into the handstand becomes easy.

It’s really a matter of kicking up with the same amount of force each time so that you hit the sweet spot, not overbalancing, not underbalancing.

And like stated earlier when you are in position your whole body engages.

These are the basics of the handstand. Get them down and you’ll be holding handstands effortlessly.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. If you want more help on how to do maintain the proper position, how to train the kick-up and extra exercises check out The Secrets of the Handstand Quickstart Guide.

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Walking on Your Hands Article

I hope you’ve been enjoying the Olympics. Although I’ve been traveling around, now that I’m settled back in I’ll be watching a lot more.

And it just so happens that today is when the finals for gymnastics start. Which as I said before contain some of my favorite events. There are others but I think Gymnastics tops them all.

If you live in the US and want to know what’s going on I recommend you check out www.nbcolympics.com for tons of coverage, details and everything else you need.

On top of that I got the new article and video up on the site.

This one covers a few tips on walking on the hands. Including one of the best methods to develop real control while doing it. Walking on the hands that will make your stationary handstand better.

You don’t need to be an Olympic level athlete to do this! Learn how to Walk on Your Hands here.

The video is just a piece of the DVD coming with this month’s Acrobat Accelerator. There is still time to get your hands on it. But there are only 17 left. Once its gone its gone.

And remember from last time it includes my biggest tip on learning to balance on your hands.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

If you are just starting out I recommend you go with the Secrets of the Handstand Quickstart Guide. You’ll get everything you need to do a handstand plus this month’s tips and tricks.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christophe

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Watching the Amazing Chinese Acrobats

I was down at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk yesterday. Not to go on any rides but to watch the new show they’ve been having. The Amazing Chinese Acrobats.

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon

I’ll never turn down an opportunity to watch talented individuals to their thing.

Before it all began the announcer was saying that many of these acrobats had trained since they were four years old. That it took athletic strength, impeccable balance, and flawless timing to do these stunts.

I fully agree with those statements. I’m going to try to head back to take some pictures and write up a few articles like I did for the Moscow Circus last year if I get the permission.

Just to give you an idea of what took place: a contortionist balancing glasses, a woman juggling a table with her feet, seven people on a single bicycle, pole climbing, hand balancing on the stacked chairs, and more.

Many of the classic Chinese acrobatic feats. Of course there were some new spins and I was impressed by their showmanship.

There were some kids nearby who exclamations made it seem like every move was an impossibility.

Don’t get me wrong, it was some amazing stuff. I couldn’t do a bunch of it and I was clapping right along with everyone else.

But here I was thinking I can do that one. I could get that with a little practice. To me nothing was impossible or magical. Just dedication and practice.

I don’t mean to come off as saying I’m on the level of these athletes. My point is that anyone can work up to some level of skill in feats similar to these.

And you don’t have to start at four years old, be five feet tall, or weigh less than 120 lbs.

If I can learn how to do a back flip just about anyone can.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. If you’re in the area, check out the show which is running through August 21st. If you’re not you can see of the best Chinese Acrobatics in the world.

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Make Your Handstand Pushups Harder

Handstand pushups. I don’t know if anyone would deny this as a great exercise.

It’s amazing when someone tells you they can do 15 handstand pushups. But what KIND of handstand pushups are they talking about, assuming they are even telling the truth?

There are many ways to skin this cat, so to speak.

The thing is almost every handstand pushup is a partial rep. Do you touch your head to the ground? Some would call that full-range but it is far from THE full-range.

In fact, it’s only about half. Full-range is down to your shoulders.

Now, if you don’t have something raised off the floor to place your hands on you won’t be able to do a true full-range handstand pushup.

But here’s a tip to increase your range without anything but the floor.

Touch your nose to the floor rather than the top of your head. That’s about a 3 inch difference.

And trust me, those three inches make a big difference. Because that range is right near the sticking point for most people.

Go ahead and try to max out each way and see where your numbers lie.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

That’s just one way of many you can change the handstand pushup to make it harder or easier.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

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A PR using the Handstand Visualization

I didn’t know what I was going to write to you about today. So I decided first to do a little hand balancing to generate a few ideas. Some one hand handstand practice.

About three minutes in I slapped myself in the forehead because I should do as I tell you to do.

So I stopped for the moment and played my handstand visualization track. Really getting that feeling of easily standing on the hands.

After I finished I decided to put it to the test. How long could I hold a handstand right now?

Now I hadn’t just done free handstand hold for time in probably two months. My record then was exactly one minute.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon

I put my watch on the ground (hint: counting in your mind is seldom accurate) in plain sight of where I’d be going for the attempt.

After I kicked up I did just as I had visualized. Standing tall with minimal movement.

Around 40 seconds it became difficult. Here’s what I didn’t mention. I had already done a grueling weight lifting workout earlier in the morning and on top of the previous few minutes of hand balancing I was pre-fatigued. Didn’t know if I’d set a new record.

But I wanted to. Not only had I visualized myself doing it, but I wanted to write and tell you about it.

Funny how time seems to slow down those last few seconds. It was rough but I passed the minute mark. 1…2…3 and down.

63 seconds a new record for me. And this was when I wasn’t fresh.

You may not be there yet (or you could be further along) but the lessons here apply to everyone.

And there’s still time to get my handstand visualization for a few minutes of your time. Head on over to the survey and fill it out to get it.

The answers have been very helpful so far. Thanks to all who’ve taken the time to answer (and to you who are about to). I hope you get the most out of your gift.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

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Supported One Hand Handstand

One Hand Handstand on Knee

A simple partner hand balancing stunt. In fact, this one hand handstand may be easier than the normal kind.

Notice how Marlin’s wrist is supported by George Wayne. Overall it is a very good position for the one handed handstand.  Tight and lined up.

Just by studying pictures of some of the best closely you can find out where you can improve. Of course, it helps if you have pictures of yourself to compare them to.

I know what the main question on your mind is. Where can you get a pair of those leopard print shorts?

I can’t help you with that but if you want to learn How to do the One Hand Handstand click here.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

 PR: wait…  I: wait…  L: wait…  LD: wait…  I: wait… wait…  C: wait…  SD: wait…
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How to do a Backflip

Got a new article up on the site, complete with a video. This one is on how to do the backflip.

I don’t claim to have the best backflip in the world. I know it needs some work for improvement. But I can do them standing on flat ground outside.

And I know more people want to pull of this acrobatic skill than are currently able.

Just reading the article won’t give you the ability to do it, but if you want to work up to it or currently are you’ll find something useful.

On Thursday I’ll be sharing an important update to the Tumbling Course with you.

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon

Good Luck and Good Tumbling,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Don’t forget today is the last day to get a bonus Acrobat Accelerator issue along with the Secrets of the Handstand Quickstart Guide.

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Don't Relax in Your Handstand


It something we all need. Especially living in this day and age. Too many people live their lives way to strung out, ready to explode at the next little thing.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

There is a time to sit back and do nothing. Get a massage, meditate, shut down all the electronics and go for a walk.

These sort of things should be a common part of your life. You want to maintain a calm demeanor because life is just better that way.

But then there are times to turn up the tension. To act and act quickly.

When it comes to hand balancing, the art definitely falls into the later category. Yes you can teach your body to relax but standing on the hands is not the time.

Especially when you are starting out, the tendency is to have the legs to flop around, the back to relax and body to come out of position.

In order to stay up in the air you want to remain like a stiff board from the tips of you fingers to the tips of your toes.

This doesn’t mean you tighten up as hard as possible as if you were under a thousand pound load. But you stay tight so that gravity doesn’t have its way with you.

And don’t forget to breathe.

Without maintaining this tension you may be able to stand on your hands or walk around but not for long, nor will you be able to move up to anything harder.

If you’ve been relaxing this is your reminder to get back in gear.

The Secrets of the Handstand Quickstart Guide covers this difference between relaxing and staying tight in more depth.

When it was re-released last week I said that new buyers would get last month’s issue of Acrobat Accelerator for free along with this month’s.

Well, I forgot to mention when that ended. So here’s the date. You have until Tuesday the 15th. After that you won’t be able to get the June issue again.

If your on the fence, now’s the time.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

 PR: wait…  I: wait…  L: wait…  LD: wait…  I: wait… wait…  C: wait…  SD: wait…
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