Tag Archives | Motivation

Handstand Journey

Just starting out with your hand balancing training? Wondering how long will it take you to master the freestanding handstand? Take a look at this video for instant motivation and to get a rough estimate of how long will it take you to achieve this move.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

To fasten up your progress and reach a stable 30-second freestanding handstand as fast as possible, check out one of my best selling courses here.

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Bridge Exercises

This picture was taken over a year ago of this bridge exercise. I’m the guy on the bottom in the wrestler’s bridge, while my friend, Tyler, is doing a hand bridge on top. I call it the Double Bridge.

Double Bridge Stunt

You might wonder what possessed us to try this stunt. The answer is just for fun and to see if we could pull it off.

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

The motivation was in seeing a couple of pictures in The True Are and Science of Hand Balancing. Bridging and hand balancing have always gone together because they both take strength, flexibility, and skill.

I pulled a couple more pictures out from the Inspirational Photo Section displaying some bridging stunts. In the book there are over 130 pictures in this section alone giving you all kinds of trick you could shoot for. That’s not counting the photos which show you how to perform all manner of hand balancing stunts throughout the rest of the book.

Bridging Stunts

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, the pictures in this book alone are worth the price.

Since doing this stunt, I have wanted to give it another shot because I think we could make it look better. But it is one of those one time things, at least for now.

Bridging of all kinds is something you must work up to, especially pulling off feats like this. There will be more on this topic in the future as I believe I am one of a handful of people pushing the envelope on this skill set, just like some of the old time strongmen.

If you’ve never done anything like this, get started slowly.

Good Luck and Good Bridging,
Logan Christopher

P.S. To get much more on bridging exercises check out the Advanced Bridging Course

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Professor Paulinetti in India

The following is excerpted from the True Art and Science of Hand Balancing about Professor Paulinetti.

“Early in November, 1920, the word was passed about in the city of Calcutta, India, that an event of interest would happen at noon of a certain day atop the dome of the Empire Theatre Building.

Their curiosity aroused, and spurred on by the fact that they would see something free of charge, the natives thronged about the square where stood the popular playhouse.

Promptly at midday a figure appeared as if from nowhere, arising from behind the ball atop the dome of the building.

Seemingly he grasped the smooth sides of the sphere, leaned forward and placed his head on the top of it, and slowly pressed up into a perfect balance on the head, the hands being held on the hips, and the legs spread apart and inclined forward.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

There, clad in blue tights that made him visible for considerable distance, the performer remained at least thirty seconds–to the watchers below it seemed an hour–then, just as slowly as he arose to balance, he lowered his body and disappeared from view behind the dome by way of the same ladder by which he had ascended, while on the packed streets below the crowd roared its approval.

They had met Paulinetti, and they liked him.”

Professor Paulinetti Head Balancing

Amazing what a simple looking (but not so simple in execution) trick can do to the minds of others, isn’t it?

But this was a run-of-the-mill activity for the Professor, not even close to one of his more difficult performances.

If you are interested in hearing more stories about Prof. Paulinetti let me know.

Of course if you want to read them yourself and see pictures of the stunts then you know where to go: The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing

Hearing, reading about, or seeing the best can always give you some extra motivation.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

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