Tag Archives | New Sections

New Lost Art of Hand Balancing Website

I have finished the updates to the new site. Just go to https://lostartofhandbalancing.com to check it out.You’ll also notice a few new sections added in.

Success Stories
Read and see people like you that have used the information gained here to gain hand balancing and acrobatic skills. Full of good information and tips about what helped them get to where they are.

You can read a few of the submissions from the contest last month including the winner of the Hand Balancing Mastery Course, David Kelso. There is some good stuff in this area so start reading.

Here are some outside sites and resources you can use to further your goals. There isn’t too much there but I will be adding to it over time.

Ask A Question
Do you have any burning questions you want answered on the topics of hand balancing, acrobatics, or training? Here is now the place to ask. Just submit your question and it will be answered probably in an email like this.

What’s New?
It will be frequently updated with all the latest updates and news about what is going on around here at the site. If your stuck away for awhile you can come back here to see the newest happenings.

Now I have a favor to ask of you. If you notice any broken links or pictures not showing up please reply to this email and let me know. I did some extensive testing but I may have missed something.

And secondly, let me know what you think about it. Love it or hate it, tell me what you think about the updated site.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

P.S. I have reposted some old emails from before I had a blog on the blog. If you weren’t around from the very beginning you’ll want to give them a read.

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The Basics of Handstands


I just put up two new articles on the website. You can check them out here:

Benefits of Hand Balancing

Safety Concerns of Hand Balancing

They cover some basic stuff you should know before you begin. There will be more coming soon on all the basics of hand balancing.

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

A few people have been asking me to have more advanced tricks and tips on the site. While I will be adding some you should realize that all the trickier moves are built off of the basics. Everything still applies.

In my own training I have been backing off the one handstand a bit since I seemed to hit a plateau and revisiting the basic moves laid out in Prof. Orlick’s Handbalancing Made Easy. Just remember that you can never be too good with the basics.

If you want to see these basic moves and more then go check out the Hand Balancing Mastery Course.

You can get Handbalancing Made Easy along with a lot more for $97 but that won’t last much longer. If you’ve been thinking about whether or not to get it now, remember that this introductory price only goes for four more days until the end of November.

Don’t be slacking off through the end of the year. Keep on standing on those hands.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Actually I am currently working on updating the whole website, slightly changing the format and adding new sections to benefit you. I’ll let you know when it’s ready.

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Fine One-Hand Balancing

“Jimmy Starkey of Santa Monica, California recently held a one-hand-balance for a minute and a half on top of a freight train going thirty-five miles per hour. F.O.B (Fine One-hand Balancing).”

Well recently is not the right term. This occurred somewhere back in 1950. I told you I got a hold of some old acrobatic magazine issues and this is just a little snippet from one of them.

Most people can’t hold a handstand for a minute and a half, let alone a one-hand handstand, let alone on top of a moving train.

One theme that always comes up when fellow hand balancers talk is how the sky is the limit on what you can do. This is a good example of that.

If you take the time and work on it hard enough you too can be doing feats like Jimmy. And I promise more of the great stuff from these magazines soon including great photos.

Now on to a couple of business issues.

It’s been wild over here with the release of the new Hand Balancing Mastery Course. If you have ordered one then it was shipped out today with the first batch of deliveries.

If your waiting on the fence then you might want to get off, because there is one more free t-shirt available to the next person who orders.

I realized that releasing the course right around a major holiday here in the US might not have been the best idea. Many people stay away from there computers to spend time with their families to celebrate Thanksgiving.

So if you missed all that has happened then be sure to check out the Hand Balancing Mastery Course.

There will be lots of new articles, old school pictures, and even new sections added to the site in the coming weeks.

Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

In the mean time keep up the hand balancing. If anyone wants to duplicate Jimmy’s feat then let me know because I want to hear about. Please be careful though.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. You can get a free t-shirt as well as the greatest course in hand balancing history if you act fast by going to see the Hand Balancing Mastery Course.

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