Tag Archives | Olympics

Have you been watching the Olympics?

The Winter Olympics are here. Are you watching?

While I must say that I am a bigger fan of the Summer Olympics I very much enjoy these events as well.

There may not be many handstands but there sure are some crazy aerial acrobatics of many different kinds. Whether going of a jump on skies, snowboarding or even figure skating you have some advanced flips and spins.

Of course all the events are great in their different ways. You can watch some of the greatest athletes from around the world compete for one of the highest awards in the world.

Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

Even if it’s a sport you know nothing about you can easily get into it. After all it’s the Olympics.

Good Luck and Good Olympics,
Logan Christopher

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Victorian on the Gymnastic Rings

Back for a little more Olympic Coverage.

Did you catch the Men’s Gymnastic Rings final the other night?

For anyone who has never mounted a pair of rings its hard to comprehend the difficulty of even basic moves.

But when you have, no matter your skill level or lack there of, you’ll have a greater understanding of what these Olympic athletes are going through.

It’s not just one move they do, but to string several highly difficult strength moves together flawlessly for close to a minute straight. Whew! Gets me tired just thinking about it.

But this Olympics saw something new. (Not 100% sure on this but I believe it was a first for the Olympics.)

That is the Victorian. Also known as an Inverted Maltese Cross.

Once thought to be an impossible move. Essentially it’s lying back so that you’re horizontal to the floor. You hold the rings near your waist with the arms not contacting the body. Kind of like a front lever except that your arms are to your sides instead of out front.

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon

I have to give it to the French here. Their Danny Rodrigues performed the Victorian not once but twice in his routine. It wasn’t perfect but pretty close.

My guess is that in 12 to 20 years it will become a common move in the Men’s gymnastic Rings event at the Olympics.

Danny didn’t score too high overall but it was fun to watch. I’m glad he went for it.

We also had Jordan Jovtchev up once again most likely for his final Olympics. Unfortunately a couple mistakes put him out of the run for any medals.

That’s how it goes in the Olympics. To win you have to be close to flawless.

To get to that level takes years of practice. Hours and hours in the gym training for a few minutes in the spotlight. You probably don’t have aspirations of Olympic Gold but what’s important is to train to get better.

Fortunately for you, you can still have Jordan teach you how to build up the strength and skill in the Ring Strength DVD.

Mastering the Victorian isn’t important. Improving from where you are is. Learning from the best is a big step in the right direction.

Good Luck and Good Ring Training,
Logan Christopher

P.S. If you want crazy bodyweight strength than you should be on the gymnastic rings. If you don’t have a pair you can get the Elite Rings

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Handstand Stunts from the Olympics

Have you been watching as much of the Olympics as I have?

Honestly it’s a bit tiring staying up until the early morning hours since they take place halfway around the world from where I am. But what can I say, they only come around every four years.

And its always a pleasure of mine to watch the best in the world do what they do.

There’s been exciting matches, close calls and comebacks all around. Plus new world records are broken everyday. (Did you see Jamaica’s Usain Bolt on the 100m dash?)

Great events in gymnastics and they aren’t done yet. One problem I have with professional gymnastics is the judging because it’s not perfect. Since it’s done by humans it doesn’t always seem fair. But that’s how it is.

It shouldn’t take away from the pleasure of watching the athletes.

One exercise I’ve been seeing a lot of in the Men’s Floor Routines is a straight arm straddle press from a crucifix position. Also known as a Maltese Press to a Wide Arm Handstand or a Swallow Press to a Japanese Handstand.

Considering this is a D skill it may be out of your range but that doesn’t mean you can’t try the wide handstand itself.

Place your hands wide on the ground, with the hands out and the thumbs pointing forward. Kick-up into position and attempt to hold.

Alternatively you can jump from a normal handstand into the wide handstand. With a little push on the hands slide them outward in position.

Just another variation you can have fun with. And thanks to the Olympics for reminding me of it.

Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. You need to master the regular handstand before you attempt any variations. Get step-by-step handstand instructions here.

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Walking on Your Hands Article

I hope you’ve been enjoying the Olympics. Although I’ve been traveling around, now that I’m settled back in I’ll be watching a lot more.

And it just so happens that today is when the finals for gymnastics start. Which as I said before contain some of my favorite events. There are others but I think Gymnastics tops them all.

If you live in the US and want to know what’s going on I recommend you check out www.nbcolympics.com for tons of coverage, details and everything else you need.

On top of that I got the new article and video up on the site.

This one covers a few tips on walking on the hands. Including one of the best methods to develop real control while doing it. Walking on the hands that will make your stationary handstand better.

You don’t need to be an Olympic level athlete to do this! Learn how to Walk on Your Hands here.

The video is just a piece of the DVD coming with this month’s Acrobat Accelerator. There is still time to get your hands on it. But there are only 17 left. Once its gone its gone.

And remember from last time it includes my biggest tip on learning to balance on your hands.

Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

If you are just starting out I recommend you go with the Secrets of the Handstand Quickstart Guide. You’ll get everything you need to do a handstand plus this month’s tips and tricks.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christophe

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