Tag Archives | shoulder collapse

Do You Make These 4 Press to Handstand Mistakes?

We already had several videos from Yuri Marmerstein and there’s a reason for it. He’s an awesome hand balancer! Today, Yuri teaches us about four common press to handstand mistakes.

Tumbling Illustrated
Tumbling Illustrated on Amazon

  1. Downward Shoulder Collapse – Try to keep your shoulders in the same position throughout the weight transfer.
  2. Forward Shoulder Collapse – Keep your arms at straight angle instead of bending forward.
  3. Early Hip Extension – Only open your hips once the shoulders and back have aligned.
  4. Failure to Articulate Spine – Get used to manipulating your spine as opposed to keeping your back straight at all times.

Don’t forget to visit Yuri’s blog, some very cool stuff can be found there. It also wouldn’t hurt to pick up one of the hand balancing courses/books from this page!

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