Tag Archives | skills

Practicing Hand Balancing

With all the wide variety of hand balancing skills you can possibly do what should you focus on?

This is the topic of one of the eight special reports found in the Hand Balancing Mastery Course, but I’d like to give you a few details on it now.

The more time you spend practicing the more skills you can focus on. In fact, you’ll need to spread that time out into a variety of moves.

This may be obvious but it is nevertheless important.

If you don’t practice very often or for very long you’ll be better off just focusing on a single skill or two. Now this may involve doing several assistance or lead-up stunts that will the main skills. But its all in the efforts for just one goal.

That’s the other big part of what to focus on. It depends on what you want to accomplish. I believe simply by having a goal, especially with a deadline, you’ll make progress probably twice as fast.

That’s it for today. If you don’t have a set goal why don’t you figure out what that is and write it down. Then figure out the best way to approach it.

My goal is to hold a one arm handstand with real balance for at least five seconds by the end of this year. What’s yours?

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon
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30 Day Challenge

It’s been awhile since I wrote you. I’ve been busy on two other projects (https://www.radianthealthtoday.com and https://www.superhumantraining.com) which accounts for much of the limited communication.

The other reason is that I haven’t been practicing my skills. Makes it hard to write about when you’re not actively doing them. 🙁

But now’s its time for that to change. I’m setting myself a 30 day challenge in two ways.

1. Practice some amount of hand balancing every single day.

It doesn’t have to be a large chunk of time but I will be hand standing in one sort or another each and every day.

My question to you is have you been practicing? And how consistent are you? If you’d like feel free to join me.

That leads to the second part of my challenge…

2. Post something on the site every single day.

Often times this may just be a short update on what I practiced and anything I learned from the practice that day.

Other days it may be an inspirational video if I have no words to write.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

Sometimes it’ll be more.

In fact, to give myself a jump start and get me more fired up to pursue these goals I’ve starting attending a gymnastics class once again.

And this led to the first piece up here now, Back to Gymnastics.

You are welcome to join me in this 30 day challenge, not just in practicing but in posting in here the comments each day (or when ever you choose).

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

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