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Fish Tail Press Up to Handstand

Fish Tail Press Up to Handstand

Got another video for you. This one is from next month’s Acrobat Accelerator.

A slightly more advanced move, but in the complete video you’ll be taken through the steps to get up to this move.

Here’s what it says in The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing about the Fish Tail Press Up.

Lie flat on the back, with the hands and arms close to the sides, with the hands flat on the floor, then by resisting with the hands, you draw the legs up slowly, and rigid, keep the legs going until you are up, resting on your head and shoulders, then change the position of the hands by placing them along side of the head flat on the floor; then let the feet drop about six inches, then drive them up, and push up to a handstand, the legs are kept rigid all the time.

That’s one long run on sentence but it describes the move well.

This move takes strong abs just to get into the plough position and hold it with your legs over your head. I suppose you could call this move the Plough press too. The more you drive with the legs the less you have to push with your arms but you have to do both.

Give it a shot and see how it goes.

On another note the May Sale is moving fast. Many items are sold out but others like the Paulinetti and Jones’ book and the Tumbling Course still have many in stock. https://lostartofhandbalancing.com/maysale.html

If you’ve stalled, wait no longer. The sale will come down late Sunday even if there’s a few items left.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

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The Hand Balancing Bible!?!

“When I received The Hand Balancing Mastery Course a wave of excitement passed over me. One of those feelings when I just knew ‘this was gonna be great’. And besides, it was said to be ‘the most complete course on the art of hand balancing ever written’. And I was about to discover the truth of that statement for myself…

I didn’t make this up. You really gotta see this review of the course in its entirety.

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

Jump on over to the Hand Balancing Mastery Course to read the rest of it. Its at the very bottom so scroll all the way down.

I think you just might get something out of it.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Warning: After reading the review you may be tempted to order yourself a copy. If that’s the case I want you to know that its in stock and ready to ship tomorrow. https://lostartofhandbalancing.com/hbmastery.html

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