Tag Archives | straddle flexibility

Straddle Press Handstand Drill #5

I’ve been working on various drills lately in order to achieve the straddle press to handstand and one of them is drill #5 explained in this video.

I start with the straddle position against the ground, which shares similarities with a regular straddle press, without being upside down. I put my back against a pillar to prevent leaning back in order to increase dynamic flexibility, which is the main goal of this drill. From there, just put your fingertips on the ground between thighs and lift your legs above the ground.

You may get some cramps in this position initially, but this move will help you increase that strength-dynamic flexibility which is the main thing you’ll need to perform the press handstand.

As you gradually increase your strength and flexibility, eventually you’ll be able to lift your legs with your hands between your feet and then soon you’ll be able to achieve that press handstand. You can do this drill for reps or time, whichever suits you the best. The results will be the same.

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon
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Chair Press and Poor Straddle Flexibility

Just a couple updates from my hand balancing training.

This chair press is something I’ve played with a few times over the years. This was the first time I pressed up with the lower arm to lockout.

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

In working on my straddle I have pretty poor flexibility, especially dynamic, so I’ve been working on that. This video shoes to drills a straddle sit and straddle leg lifts.


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