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Hand Balancing Interviews, T-Shirts and VIP's

There is a lot going on here in this message.

First, here are details about the interviews included in the Hand Balancing Mastery Course.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

I conducted three interviews with hand balancing experts to see how they trained, what there thoughts were on the subject, and everything else. We went from beginning to advanced stuff.

Jim Bathurst is the first one. One of the main things we covered was how to mix weight training and hand balancing successfully. If you‘ve seen his site, Beast Skills, then you know what this man is capable of. I‘m talking planches, and real one-arm chinnups. But that’s only scratches the surface.

Ed Baran came next. Ed joined an Adult Gymnastic class for the first time at the age of 35 (you know the age when most other people give up on all physical activity). We went over a lot but had many tips on getting the straight body style of handstands like kicking up in the hollow position and more.

And last but not least is Mark Reifkind. Mark was a former all star gymnast who was on the path for Olympic Gold had it not been for debilitating injuries. If you want to learn what it takes to compete on that level you need to hear this.

It was good to hear three different people because each one had there own take on the best way to go after these goals. I took a lot from each one to incorporate in my own training and you can do the same.

Now, you may have been wondering what’s up with the subject line.

It just so happens that the Lost Art of Hand Balancing T-Shirt is now available. You can check it out here: Lost Art of Hand Balancing T-Shirt. But don’t order yours right now.

Here’s why.

In addition to all the great information inside the course I will be giving away a few fast-action bonuses for those that act quick in claiming their copy. One of which happens to be a few T-shirts.

The official launch date is the 21st but here is how you can get in even earlier. I have set up a VIP list that will get early access to the Hand Balancing Mastery Course and snap up the extra bonuses.

Go to Hand Balancing VIP List to sign up.

Look for a great tip on hand balancing from the course coming at you this weekend.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Don’t forget the contest is still in effect but closes up this Monday. Get your success story in and win. Details can be found on the blog at the Lost Art of Hand Balancing Blog

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Hand Balancing Results Contest

You can be a winner.

A new copy of the Hand Balancing Mastery Course featuring the works of Professor E.M. Orlick, writings by myself, interviews with experts and more can be yours.

I will be giving more details in the coming weeks before it is officially launched on the 21st of this month.

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

But this note is to let you know how you can get a copy for fr.ee.

Hand balancing is a tough game to play. In fact some say it is one of the hardest arts to learn.

This is one reason many people are drawn to it. Just the sheer challenge of learning to stand on your hands and more.

Getting started can be one of the most frustrating things on the planet. For days, weeks, and even months you may feel like you’re not making any progress. This is especially true if you’ve got no instruction.

My aim with Lost Art of Hand Balancing was to help you on your way. All the comments I’ve received let me know that I am doing just that. But its not quite enough. I want to help you more.

It took me close to a year to get to the point of holding a decent handstand consistently. A Full Year! But I know it doesn’t have to take that long. Not even close.

Here is where you come in. I need your story. And I want to see it too.

To spread the word further I need to hear about the successes you’ve had using what you have learned from the site. Whether it was my emails, the free guide, articles, or The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing let me know.

Send an email to [email protected]. You can just reply to this email or any other but make the subject line ‘Contest’.

Tell me the story of where you started and how far you’ve come. Explain the techniques you learned and used to improve your results. Specifics are what I am looking for.

Don’t worry if you are not a master hand balancer yet, as long as you have benefited, I want to hear about it.

Better yet send in pictures of what you have accomplished. Maybe before and after pictures if you got them. A video of what you can do may just enhance your chances of winning.

The very best story in my eyes will win a complete copy for 100% no cost, no strings attached, not even shipping.

Send your story in to [email protected].

Good Luck and Good Handbalancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. I haven’t figured out the cost yet, but the regular price will be well over $100. Now’s your chance to win big and actually own it before anyone else.

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