Tag Archives | tim shieff

Bridge Acrobatics and Tree Climbing

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

The acrobatics start around the 2:30 mark. They do some bridging acrobatics. This is different from the gymnastic or wrestler bridging exercises, but instead involve some tumbling, hanging, and handstands on a bridge.

This is followed up by some interested tree climbing. Instead of going up the base they start at a branch and move across to another one.

At 5:30 they say they’re starting with some parkour. What it really is is jumping off a tall building into some crash pads. Although this move wouldn’t take much skill I’d still say many people would be afraid of doing it.

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Clothing Related Acrobatics

This video features Damien Walters and Tim Shieff in what I’ve termed as clothing related acrobatics.

The name of it is ‘One Leg at a Time’, which is going off the saying “I put my pants on one leg at a time,” which implies I’m a normal human being just like you. Of course these guys are anything but normal, and how they put their pants on, as well as other clothes, and taking them off in this video, is far beyond the ability of most people.

There’s lots of amazing acrobatics and other stuff, like undressing while hanging on a bar. Tons of cool partner tumbling drills too.

Then there is some goofing off with water balloons followed by some very inventive escalator tricks. I want to try that first one, hanging on it from the outside.

Here’s the previous episode with Damien Walters and Tim Shieff.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon
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Swiss Ball Acrobatics

There’s a series featuring two of the best athletes in the world, Damien Walters and Tim Shieff, who I’ve featured a whole bunch on this site. In this series they do a bunch of random acrobatic things together, along with some of their other friends.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

To start with they work on a slack line, and they aren’t very good. This goes to show that just because you’re excellent at one thing it doesn’t mean you’ll be good at everything. Still the manage a couple near handstand that are probably beyond the ability of many slackliners. And if they stuck with it I’m sure they’d pick up skills very fast with their acrobatic base.

Then they move onto using a physio ball, also known as a swiss ball to try out new acrobatic moves. Some are awesome, but they also miss a whole bunch.

It’s great to watch a video like this where you see people just playing around with their skills, and how often they miss and make them. While your skills may not be at this level, the training could look much the same. Of course, it goes without saying that it’s not recommended to try any of these moves without a proper facility to train in, coaching, and making sure you only work at things within your skill range.

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Living Life in a Handstand Part 2

This is the second in a new series that shows an average day life, except that the person gets around while in a handstand. This is from Tim “Livewire” Shieff a famous freerunner.

There’s tons of walking around on the hands here, accompanied by a dog. You also have to admire some of the transitions into and out of the handstands.

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

The part with the dog poop is a bit much, but a great shot into the trash can. 🙂

Make sure you check out the other videos in this series below.

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Rock Climbing and Handstands Combined

Yesterday you got to watch Tim “Livewire” Shieff live life in a handstand. Here’s another great video of the same man. Thanks to Dave Gillett for sharing this one with me.

I think rock climbing and handstands go very well together. In one you work the pushing muscles of the upper body. In the other you work the pulling muscles.

But this isn’t what I mean when I say to combine the two…

This is truly rock climbing and handstands combined. A simple bouldering stunt turned upside down. This makes going down a flight of stairs on your hands look like child’s play.

How many other rock climbers/hand balancers are out there?

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon
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Living Life in a Handstand

This is the first in a new series that shows an average day life, except that the person gets around while in a handstand. This is from Tim “Livewire” Shieff a famous freerunner.

It starts off with a forearm stand.

There’s lot of walking on the hands.

A bit of a supported one armer as he pays to get in the station.

Riding down the escalator, and taking a few downward steps at the end too. He covers a flight of stairs a little later on.

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon

Finally he holds a stable handstand inside the departing subway train. Considering they tell you to hold onto the rails if you’re standing, this probably is much harder then it looks.

I wondering how the backpack may have made this slightly easier by lowering his center of gravity.

I can’t say for sure as I wasn’t there, but this was most likely just done shot at a time. Is anyone else interested in trying something like this? To do the whole thing in one shot would be truly legendary.

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