Tag Archives | walking down stairs

Living Life in a Handstand

This is the first in a new series that shows an average day life, except that the person gets around while in a handstand. This is from Tim “Livewire” Shieff a famous freerunner.

It starts off with a forearm stand.

There’s lot of walking on the hands.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

A bit of a supported one armer as he pays to get in the station.

Riding down the escalator, and taking a few downward steps at the end too. He covers a flight of stairs a little later on.

Finally he holds a stable handstand inside the departing subway train. Considering they tell you to hold onto the rails if you’re standing, this probably is much harder then it looks.

I wondering how the backpack may have made this slightly easier by lowering his center of gravity.

I can’t say for sure as I wasn’t there, but this was most likely just done shot at a time. Is anyone else interested in trying something like this? To do the whole thing in one shot would be truly legendary.

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