Wicked Moves on Hand Balancing Stands by Imogen Huzel

Despite occasional silly moments from the author, the quality of moves in the video is actually pretty high. I especially enjoyed the part where the artist goes from the perfect one-arm handstand to a tucked in position.

Imogen is a student at the university of circus in Stockholm, DOCH and her speciality is hand balancing.

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon

Do you know how to do the one hand handstand yet? If not, click here to learn a skill that’s at least 10 times as difficult as the normal handstand.

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One Response to Wicked Moves on Hand Balancing Stands by Imogen Huzel

  1. Mikael Leduc June 1, 2015 at 1:50 pm #

    Heeey just wundering if theres enyway you could help me out, my only passion in life is handbalancing, its everything to me and i wanna have a chance to be with more people like me and maybe work in the circus arts some day or be part of cirque du soleil, life has been really ruff lately and im just looking for my lucky break u know … Thx:) “”””” french/francai bonjour jme demandai just si vous pourier maider unpeux, ma seul passion est les arts du cirque et je pratique moi aussi l’équilibre sur mains et jai la vie dur sai dèrnier temps, jme demandai just si vous pouriez me diriger vers un group d’artiste de cirque qui maccepterai surment avec plaisir :$ merci 🙂

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