Parkour From Scratch #1 – Shoulder Roll Tutorial – How to start Parkour

Hey guys! As you know, we’ve been looking for ways to really develop your acrobatic base and all your acrobatic skills. In this series, you will be getting the information you need to start in parkour from scratch! The first tutorial is all about the Shoulder Roll.


The first thing you want to do is focus on rolling out from your shoulder to your opposing hip. More specifically, you should start rolling from your trap or scapula and not the deltoid.


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The next thing you want to do is either crunch or tighten your abs. That way you have a rigid surface to push off of the floor!


When putting it all together, create a diamond shape on the floor, pull your arm in, crunch abs, and roll forward from your shoulder to hip!


There you go guys! Here is the full video for you.

Acrobatics are about autonomy and being mindful of your own movement. The Advanced Bridging Course February sale is almost over so don’t forget to grab it in order to build that strong and dynamic core necessary for acrobatics. To get the course, click here!

Stay Inverted!
-Coach Jon

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