Previously I stated that you can’t become an excellent hand balancer without a strong core.
How do you achieve that? Do normal sit-ups and leg raises cut it? To work on a strong core with a clean and extended line I have two Exercises for you…
The Superman Plank and the Hollow Body Hold. These two exercises get you to engage the core muscles in an extended fashion. One has more focus on the anterior side and the other on the posterior side. So you become sandwiched in a strong locked position.
Lets start with the Superman Plank
To get into a superman plank, start in a basic plank position with your hips tucked, your glutes engaged and your back straight.
Be sure to start in the extended arm position. Walk your hands forward until they are at the farthest position above your head with out breaking form.
Hold this from anywhere between 20 seconds to a minute. If you would like to test yourself, try for even longer!
Give this drill a try and let us know how you do. In the next installment, I’ll be talking about the hollow body hold.
Stay Inverted!
-Jonathan Magno
P.S. To learn more awesome abdominal exercises, get The Ultimate Guide to Bodyweight Abs Exercises now!
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