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Handstand Scorpion

The handstand scorpion is a minor contortion exercise where you go into a big back bend and bend the knees, usually touching them to the top of the head. Sometimes it’s taken even further and the feet come beneath the head.

Here’s a really good video that shows the handstand scorpion and more.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

She is also doing a movement she calls the Tic Toc which is going into the bridge and back. There may be a different use of that name for a move in gymnastics.

I’ve seen the handstand fall into a bridge before and done it myself. However getting back into the handstand from that position is much harder. Give it a try yourself. It’s helpful to have a great base in bridging movements before trying any of this.

This Scorpion pose is also known as Vrschikasana in yoga, although that may refer to the version where it’s a forearm stand rather then on the hands. And an interesting little philosophy on this move.

The head, which is the seat of knowledge and power, is also the seat of pride, anger, hatred, jealousy, intolerance and malice. These emotions are more deadly than the poison which the scorpion carries in its sting. The yogi, by stamping on his head with his feet, attempts to eradicate these self-destroying emotions and passions. By kicking his head he seeks to develop humility, calmness and tolerance and thus to be free of ego. The subjugation of the ego leads to harmony and happiness. Read more here.

Work on your handstand scorpion and you’ll not only build balancing ability, but great back flexibility and it can lead up to the other movements shown here. Plus it may help you free yourself from your ego 🙂

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Handstand Backbend

There are people that believe you should have no backbend in your handstand at all. That only the straight handstand is how to do a handstand.

But I don’t believe that. Just look at how many contortionists balance using excessive back bend.

When we’re talking about handstand backbend we can be talking about two things.

1) How much backbend you have in your handstand.
2) Going from a handstand into a backbend or a bridge. You might also call this a handstand to bridge.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon

This video shows you both.

Handstand Backbend

If you’re trying to do this, you don’t need as much back bend as this fellow has but it certainly helps. I would highly recommend improving your gymnast bridge before trying this exercise out.

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How to do a No Handed Cartwheel

This video will show you how to do a no handed cartwheel which is also known as an aerial.

This is a difficult skill to get to, especially for men, who tend to have less hip flexibility. But with dedicated training I think just about everybody can do it.

The basics of this movement are to first master your cartwheel then your one handed cartwheel. When you can do these easily you can start working towards the aerial.

Be forewarned, that the more hip flexibility you have the easier it will be.

When you’re starting out you’ll need to launch off hard from both the rear leg then front leg. Running into the movement can help.

It’s also helpful to think of your point of rotation at the shoulders.

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

At one time I was finally able to do the no handed cartwheel after a lot of time spent trying. Unfortunately I can’t currently do it, but am working back up to the skill. You can see it’s not the most graceful aerial but I did pull it off.

If you enjoyed this article on how to do a no handed cartwheel please leave a comment below.

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Sensual Hand Balancing Duo

Watch this video on an amazing hand balancing duo.

It’s French. It’s seductive. It’s also got some partner balancing I’ve never seen before.

Quite the complement of strength, skill and flexibility.

Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

Thanks to Adam Glass for sending this to me.

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Your Flexibility is Holding You Back

One of the most useful things to do in any training is to look at what your weaknesses are. When it comes to most hand balancing and acrobatics, this can be split up into three main areas.

Strength – Let’s face it. Most moves take strength to be able to do and without it you won’t have a chance of doing them.

Skill – Another obvious one. It takes skill which is built up through practice to do anything requiring balance or aerial coordination.

Flexibility – Many people, especially men, don’t want to face this one. Sometimes all you need is to be more flexible.

In certain cases, you can make up for a lack of one, with another. For instance, let’s take the aerial. If you don’t know what that is, think of a no handed cartwheel. A lot of women in gymnastics easily work up to this movement. Why? Two words…

Hip Flexibility.

What is the one area that most men don’t have much flexibility in? Yeah, the hips (myself included but I’m working on it).

Sure, with more power, you can lift yourself higher and accomplish the aerial. I’ve been there. But if you just open up your hips it becomes almost effortless.

Hip flexibility helps for the Aerial

What stops many people in doing handstands? Wrist pain. What helps to cause that? Lack of wrist flexibility. (Been there too)

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

All the skill in the world won’t help you if you’re in pain and can’t even hold the right position because of it.

When it comes to bridging movements, what stops people? Is it lack of strength or skill? Almost never, but instead it is flexibility. (Believe it or not, the first time I did a hand bridge my back was pretty much straight!)

Of course along with that is having strength in those flexible ranges, and proper stretching will build that too.

With the proper flexibility certain moves become effortless. And that’s what we all want right? Not just being able to muscle our way through a move, but show an ease and grace while doing it, that makes other people go “wow you make it look so easy.”

That’s the idea behind Focused Flexibility. To specifically work on what you need. It’s not some generic stretching program, but is structured to give you what you need.

Tons of people have picked up this new course based on my recommendation. Won’t you join them?

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Focused Flexibility Review

In the last post on Acrobatic Stretching we talked about how important flexibility is to your training.

If your flexibility is holding you back, I’ve found a new resource that will allow you to break through those blocks you’ve been having.

This program was very similar to the ideas I had on stretching before hand. Great trainers often think alike.

Still I picked up a few refinements, not to mention awesome and effective stretches I had not been doing before.

Since adding these in, I feel I’m making even faster progress towards my goal of hip flexibility to do the pancake drill.

In one, a variation of the Supine Dynamic Hip Rotations, I felt my hip cramp up like never before during the stretch. Yet when I was all said and done in the exercise my flexibility was already improved.

It’s affordable and immediately downloadable which means you can start on the program today.

Check it out here.

If you’re looking for something truly ground-breaking with a new scientific breakthru guaranteeing to double your flexibility tonight, this is not it.

But if you want an Easy System, that helps you to target your specific flexibility goals, this is exactly what you need.

What I like about Focused Flexibility is they give you a series of exercises to start with as a baseline. Then they tell you if you can’t do these well, which of the many stretches they show you will help you.

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon

They also target the exercises, to specific conditions, like tight hips, that you may have.

The idea isn’t to do every stretch but to focus on the ones you need to achieve the flexibility you desire.

Read more about Focused Flexibility here.

Perhaps you’ve picked up a program from the Gold Medal Bodies guys before. If so you know they have high quality material. This program is no different.

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Acrobatic Stretching

Stretching for acrobatics whether hand balancing or tumbling, is a must. Well, actually I should say flexibility is a must.

But the only way to get flexible is stretching, right?

In most cases yes, but not always. Stretches are just one sub-set of movement that involves getting to your end range of motion. This is then usually held although there are variations here as well.

The truth is you can build your flexibility with movements that don’t involve anything that looks like stretching in some cases. A person that can’t do a full range squat, will improve their flexibility by working on squats, with or without weights. This alone can loosen up the calves, quads, hamstrings, hips and back to where they’ll eventually be able to achieve the full range.

That is one route. Specific stretches aimed at helping this person would be another.

Let’s say you are working on the handstand. Perhaps you need more shoulder or wrist flexibility.

Wrist Stretch

A great stretch for wrist flexibility

What about handsprings? Additional shoulder and back flexibility can help. So can hip flexibility.

If you’re doing bridging movements, you need all around spinal flexibility, not to mention the shoulders and wrists.

I don’t like to “stretch” for stretching’s sake. If you do, that’s fine with me. Some people like it just because they feel good afterwards. But if I’m going to do it, I always have a specific purpose behind it.

My average training, and all the moves I do, give me more then enough flexibility to get through my everyday life, and to keep me generally flexible.

However, if I want to achieve a specific move, sometimes the best, or only route to achieving it is by increasing flexibility. Once again this can take the “movement” route or the “stretching” route. What I do really depends on the move, and in some cases is a combination of the two.

Now when we talk about stretching, there are several kinds. You have static stretching. You have various forms of isometrics or PNF stretching. Then you have dynamic stretching.

My personal favorite is dynamic. After all, dynamic movement is usually where you want to apply your new found flexibility. Still the others, especially the isometrics version, done right, can be a big help.

In any case, this is the framework of what I do. Pick a goal. Identify the different ways you can get there. Start with what looks like the best route, or often a combination of things. Put this into action. Adapt and continue to experiment from there. This applies to more then acrobatics stretching.

Here’s an example. In my progress towards a straight arm press handstand, I’ve realized one thing. If I had the right flexibility I could do the movement without problem. It’s really not a strength issue!

And the specific drill I’ve been working towards is what’s known as the Pancake. I would wager that most people that could lay their torso flat on the ground, could do a press handstand, if not right away, then with a little more work.

Pancake Stretch

The Pancake Drill (from

How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon

Yet having all the strength in the world for bent arm press handstands, is just not enough. I still work on other progressions towards the movement and am making progress. But I realize the biggest thing I can do for this exercise is too improve my hip flexibility. This just illustrates one specific case.

I recently came across a new resource on the topic of flexibility that I’ll be sharing with you later this week.

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Amazing Hand Balancing Video

Here’s another video of an amazing hand balancer.

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon

  • The video starts off with 15 straddle L presses to handstand.
  • This is followed by 10 handstand pushups, a half pirouette, then 3 more.
  • Using rotating hand balancing stands a series of elbow lever press to handstands.
  • Front and side splits (including extended).
  • One arm handstands in a variety of positions on the floor and on stands.
  • This is followed by one arm presses and hopping from hand to hand.
  • I don’t think I’ve ever seen the move at the 5:30 mark before (it has to be way harder then the straddle version)
  • A variety of walking, holds, human flag, the grand arch and much more.
  • And it ends with one of the most visually appealing hand balancing stunts.

Hand balancing is not a lost art to this individual. Thanks to Mark for sending me this video.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

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Regaining My Wrist

As you know if you’ve been sticking around here for a long time I’ve had chronic issues with my right wrist making it much less flexible then my left one.

With handstands taking some degree of flexibility this has made progress hard at times. In fact, it has gotten so bad at times I couldn’t do a handstand. (At least not a straight one, if you notice in some pictures I’m favoring my left side.)

Wrist Stretch

This stretch alone wasn't cutting it...

Walking around, presses, and forget about a one hand handstand on the right arm. At times its better, at other times its worse.

But in the last couple weeks I have made lots of improvement. This is because I have been following a systematic approach that hits the issue from all sides.

I truly believe that within a few months I will completely get over this pain that has held me back for nine years.

I write this message to ask who is interested in this information?

If it was one simple thing I would just write about it or throw a short video up explaining my process. But it takes more than that.

What I’ve been doing addresses the physical, nutritional, mental and even emotional sides of a bad wrist. While I believe this approach would work for just about any chronic issue, I can’t say for sure.

Of course, if you do have a chronic joint pain or problem I know you’re willing to try about anything to fix it up.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

Just comment down below if you’re interested.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

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Introducing the Yoga Trapeze

I haven’t offered many training tools on this site for one reason. There’s only a select few things that can help you build strength, hand balancing and acrobatic ability.

Today I’d like to introduce you to one of those few things. This is the Yoga Trapeze.

(Forgive the cheesy music. I needed something to work with and its hard to find quality stuff that’s royalty free.)

This is something I’ve been using a lot recently and having a blast with. I like it so much I wanted to make it available here. You can read more about it and order yours today right here.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon
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