Half Way Through the 30 Day Challenge

Today marks day 15 of the 30 day challenge.

On the site I’ve shared a bit about my own progress, several tips, a few videos and old pictures.

While progress was quickly made in gymnastics, getting back into the flow of things, there were some setbacks in training, due to being too sore. Still I have practiced at least a little everyday so far.

Now that I’ve return to a bit more normal training schedule and the soreness has gone away I’m spending more time each day in a handstand.

I’ve been working my handstand position. Just playing around with different ways to hold it. Changing body position, mostly working towards a straight handstand, and seeing how that affects the balance.

On top of that my main goals are the one arm handstand and the one arm half planche. Happy to report both arm coming along, although the latter is making quicker progress.

Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

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3 Responses to Half Way Through the 30 Day Challenge

  1. Dennis VanWagner August 8, 2010 at 4:48 pm #

    Haven’t made much progress. Can only hold the Crow stand for 30 – 45 seconds. Can go into a handstand from the crow stand & from the dip position on the parallel bars, but can hold it for only 1-3 seconds. The 3 seconds (just an estimate) seems like a long time though.

  2. Dennis VanWagner August 8, 2010 at 4:52 pm #

    Started watching a video today about an advanced routine in Ashtanga Yoga by David Swenson, but haven’t finished it yet. They go into the handstand position from several other positions & do the normal crow stand as well as several varieties of the crow stand with several yoga type contortions that I thought were pretty interesting.

  3. Dennis August 8, 2010 at 5:27 pm #

    Just finished watching the above Astanga Yoga video by David Swenson. There was a one arm planche, more hand stands & head stands of different variations, plus what I forgot to mention above, that in many places on the video, to get into & hold many of the various postures required ab & back strength that would rival the Gymnastic Abs material (which I love, bye the way).

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