Handstand Underwater

The first time I heard about doing handstand underwater I didn’t think it was a good idea. But since then I’ve changed my mind.

Let’s look at some of the benefits and drawbacks.

Why should you do handstands underwater? The balance will be easier. Because the water has a greater resistance then the air your body will not fall out of position as quickly and you’ll have an easier time correcting it.

This can also be made progressive by having your body less and less underwater. In the beginning, if you have a pool deep enough you can be completely submerged, but as you improve your legs will stick out more. This is where a nice sloping pool would come in handy.

The main drawback I see is that you won’t be able to breathe, so unless you’re also working to improve how long you can hold your breath you won’t last too long.

Also you have to be careful to still maintain all the body position and everything you’re going for with an underwater handstand, like you would in a real handstand.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon

So yes you can add in underwater handstands to how you practice but I wouldn’t make it the only thing you do. For more info be sure to check out my handstand getting system.

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4 Responses to Handstand Underwater

  1. Matti July 21, 2012 at 5:20 pm #

    Yo Logan, Funny that you mention Handstands Under water… As a Matter of fact, I did them all the time when I was on the short Workshop Attending + Holiday in Tallahassee, Florida a couple of months ago! When I wasn’t Training in my room or doing Sprints up an Hill nearby, I was doing Handstands Underwater + A shitload of Swimming!

    But the Handstands under water were a TON of fun to do, plus I figured back then the exact same as what you’ve written in this Article, that is: “This can also be made progressive by having your body less and less underwater. In the beginning, if you have a pool deep enough you can be completely submerged, but as you improve your legs will stick out more. This is where a nice sloping pool would come in handy.”

    Obviously I DIDN’T had all the fucking time in the world that I wanted back then, because I was only there for a week, so I had to do it for FUN, rather then as a Training Progression or Method! But I thought about Underwater Handstand the same back then, Weird that I didn’t mention it to You or Bud… But I guess I was TOO BUSY ripping up Phonebooks, Bending Steel and just having one of the BEST times of my life…

    NEXT Visit to the USA, I’ll do the same! Training Handstands under water that is!

    • admin July 23, 2012 at 7:28 am #

      @Matti: Glad to hear underwater handstands were working for you. How are you doing on the freestanding handstand nowadays by the way?

      • Matti July 28, 2012 at 5:41 am #

        @admin: Yo Logan, Yeah the FREEStanding Handstand goes very well nowadays and I’m progressing at Speed Light with the Balancing factor! I gotta admit & say that I owe a LOT of it to Specifically Training the FingerTIPS Brutally & Hard as hell!

        But which Freestanding Handstand did you mean when you asked me how it goes for me nowadays? Did you mean the Cruved Handstand, or the Gymnastic “Straight” Handstand? Because I do a Helluva LOT Better on the Gymnastic “Straight” Handstand then I do on the Curved one… which is fucking obvious, since the Gymnastic Handstand is a whole lot Tougher & Harder to Master then the Curved Handstand!

        And WTF is up with this WordPress comments & getting a NOTICE when someone answers back to you?! Because I ONLY found out right NOW that you answered me back 5 days ago, Yeah go figure… Besides, I’ve the same exact shit with my Site/Dashboard, with that I mean that other people that come and visit my site CANNOT know When I comment back to them, it’s not that much of a problem at all man, but I was just wondering what was up with that? I’ve tried to fix it untill now, but NO succes whatsoever… I was wondering what YOU had to say about it & IF you know how to fix it as well… That the visitors get a comment notice in their E-mail box as well, and not just the Owner & CEO of the site himself…

        All that aside though, how is your Freestanding Handstand progressing nowadays? And which one do you Train Most of the time (or ALL the time), the Curved Handstand or the Gymnastic “Straight” Handstand?

  2. Matti July 28, 2012 at 5:42 am #

    Shit, I meant to say that I do a Helluva Lot better on the Curved Handstand, instead of the Gymnastic Handstand… Stupid mistake!

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