One Arm Handstand Training

When it comes to the one handed handstand you don’t often see much middle ground. Most people can’t do it at all. The true masters make it look easy. But there is an area between where one arm handstand training takes place. Where a person can just hold it and you can see how difficult it is.

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon

This video from Jim Bathurst shows that area of being able to hold a one armer but by no means having a simple time with it. There is a rare glimpse into that training.

One Arm Handstand Training

A few things to point out here if you’re working towards this skill.

A straight bodied handstand is preferable for one arm handstands. This doesn’t mean it can’t be done with a curve, but it does seem to be easier. So make sure you have a solid straight handstand first. You’ll notice how the shoulders are locked into place.

The straddle position with the legs makes balancing easier. This is the best place to start towards the one handed handstand.

Lastly coming up onto the fingertips then slowly raising them off the ground, keeps you in balance. Most people that try this move way too fast.

For more info on one arm handstand training check out How to do the One-Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick. You’ll also find some other great articles on Jim’s site.

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3 Responses to One Arm Handstand Training

  1. Stone Paul May 25, 2012 at 1:07 am #

    Thanks for another great post Logan!

    So I was wondering…I noticed that this guy kept going over to his right side (most likely his dominant hand). Do you think it’s better to work only one side in the beginning or to alternate between right and left?

    Maybe it’s just because I used to be a juggler, but in my experience, it always felt really bad to not train both sides simultaneously. I haven’t mastered hand balancing yet, so it’s hard for me to say ( I can only do a regular handstand for about 20 seconds max), but wouldn’t you get a better sense of balance and symmetry if you alternated hands from the very start?



  1. Edward Upcott Video | Lost Art of Hand Balancing - June 15, 2012

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  2. Edward Upcott Video - November 26, 2012

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