Tag Archives | americas got talent

Duo Vladimir Strikes Again

In the last video we had from two Vladimirs they showed various hand-to-hand hand-balancing moves. This time one of them used a head of the other as a rotating hand balancing stand, which clearly shows extraordinary neck strength.

Once again, they finish the act with dangerous move using two knives to balance on top of each other.

Most people neglect training the neck, which I personally believe to be a huge mistake. Make your body (including your neck and spine) indestructible.

Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon
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Balancing on Knifes

There are acrobats in almost every season of America’s Got Talent and the latest one is no different. Two Vladimir’s from Ukraine are seen performing a lot of hand-to-hand balancing acts followed by a daring act in which one of them balances on top of another via knifepoint.

Pretty scary stuff, especially considering their previous hand-to-hand move was a bit wobbly.

Do you think they’ll make it far into the show?

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America’s Got Talent Hand Balancing

Last night on the popular show, America’s Got Talent, was featured a hand balancer (again).

Christian Stoinev is a fifth generation circus performer and pulls off some spectacular tricks including a one finger handstand. (This style of hand balancing is covered in The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing). He also does some other one hand balancing stunts like jumping from one hand to the other.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon
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