Tag Archives | bodyweight training

Difficult Planche Variations

If you cannot challenge yourself anymore with a regular planche, you may want to try out several advanced planche variations. Most of these moves are not something your regular bodyweight trainee is capable of, but they’re certainly good goals to aim for.

1. Handstand lower to planche
2. Open tuck push back to single leg planche
3. Top position pull to straddle planche
4. Floor tuck push back to straddle planche
5. Straddle L Pull Back to straddle planche
6. Single leg tuck pull to single leg tuck planche
7. L-Sit push back to full planche

Head out to Gold Medal Bodies for a full planche tutorial.

Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon
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Awesome Moves on Bars

It’s amazing how creative you can be with training on low bars.

Sven and Alex showed a variety of workouts in this video, including a good lead-up drill for those trying to achieve their first pull-up (at 0:17), push-ups on a bar (0:34), assisted pistols followed by pistols on a bar (2:20) and many other exercises, most of which require great strength, balance skills and endurance.

They say they only do regular and weighted Calisthenics, without weightlifting.

If you are just starting with bodyweight training, you might want to check out my Beginner’s Handstand System and gain some strength before moving to advanced bodyweight training workouts. 


How to do the One Hand Handstand by Professor Orlick
ow to do the One Hand Handstand on Amazon
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Straddle Press Handstand Drill #5

I’ve been working on various drills lately in order to achieve the straddle press to handstand and one of them is drill #5 explained in this video.

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon

I start with the straddle position against the ground, which shares similarities with a regular straddle press, without being upside down. I put my back against a pillar to prevent leaning back in order to increase dynamic flexibility, which is the main goal of this drill. From there, just put your fingertips on the ground between thighs and lift your legs above the ground.

You may get some cramps in this position initially, but this move will help you increase that strength-dynamic flexibility which is the main thing you’ll need to perform the press handstand.

As you gradually increase your strength and flexibility, eventually you’ll be able to lift your legs with your hands between your feet and then soon you’ll be able to achieve that press handstand. You can do this drill for reps or time, whichever suits you the best. The results will be the same.

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Frogstand Tips Video

This video shows a tip for the Frogstand I came up with after working with a client on his handstand. Give it a try and see if it helps you out.

By placing your hands wider than shoulder width you can more easily support your body weight thus making the frogstand easier to hold.

On the flip side, if you wish to make it more difficult bring your arms in closer and/or straighten the arms in the frogstand position. This can add in moving forward with tuck planche work.

Tumbling Illustrated
Tumbling Illustrated on Amazon

Want to get more tips like this that help you better to hold a handstand? Check out the new Secrets of the Handstand Quick Start DVD 2.0.

There are just a few copies left with the special deal for the new Advanced Bodyweight Training.

Click here to get more details.

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Get In While You Can

I was working with a client again today and came up with something that can help you big in the frog stand, and thus work your way to the handstand.

I’ll shoot a video of it soon and put it online for you to see. (Should have had the camera rolling right then…oh well, maybe next time.)

That brings me to the new Secrets of the Handstand 2.0 DVD.

Thanks to everyone that picked it up over the past week.

Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

There is still time to get in on it. After all, it’s free. All I ask is your help in shipping and handling.

And you get to try out the new Advanced Bodyweight Training Monthly along with it too.

I’ll let you in on a little secret…

Starting now and over the next couple months I’m giving all the members what’s going to become my bodyweight strength training course.

And they’re getting it for a fraction of the price I’ll be selling it at later by getting in now.

People have been asking me about this course for years. I’ve finally just put it together so that anyone can become ridiculously strong with just four exercises (including the variations and progressions found inside).

Some of this material I have never seen covered anywhere else.

So when you sign up today you get an 80 minute DVD that shows you how to master the handstand. You’ll also get the first Advanced Bodyweight DVD covering one of the major exercises, that builds strength applicable to all hand balancing and acrobatic skills.

And over the next two months you’ll get the other four DVD’s to complete the course.

23 of 50 spots have already been filled. After this week is over this month’s DVD goes into the archives until the BIG course comes out.

Get in now while you can.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Sorry if you think I’m coming of a little pushy, but this is a insane deal and I highly suggest you check it out while I have it available.

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