Tag Archives | Great Stuff

Do you know your Hand Balancing Terms?

A few things for you today.

First up is another article. I had an idea for this a little while back. It’s a glossary of all kinds of hand balancing terms as well as alternative names for many moves.

You can check it out here: Hand Balancing Glossary.

Instead of finishing it up myself, why don’t you help me out? There’s quite a few terms up there but it’s by no means complete. At the bottom you can submit your ideas on terms to add.

So why don’t you help out and make the glossary full?

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon

Secondly, in my last message I encouraged you to comment on the blog.

I was happy to see many people sign up but there was only one comment.

You can read what Ari thought here:


Thanks Ari. If there was any difficulty in the process let me know and I’ll look into making it easier.

But don’t worry if you didn’t post your thoughts, I’ll be sharing plenty of great stuff in the future that you’ll want to comment on.

Here’s a question to think about?

Are you spending more time upside down these days than you were last year or less? If you want to get good it should be the former.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. The Secrets of the Handstand Quickstart Guide should be hitting your mailbox soon if it hasn’t already for those of you who ordered. I’m anxious to here your initial impressions so send your thoughts my way. Just click reply and let me know what you think.

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Fine One-Hand Balancing

“Jimmy Starkey of Santa Monica, California recently held a one-hand-balance for a minute and a half on top of a freight train going thirty-five miles per hour. F.O.B (Fine One-hand Balancing).”

Well recently is not the right term. This occurred somewhere back in 1950. I told you I got a hold of some old acrobatic magazine issues and this is just a little snippet from one of them.

Most people can’t hold a handstand for a minute and a half, let alone a one-hand handstand, let alone on top of a moving train.

One theme that always comes up when fellow hand balancers talk is how the sky is the limit on what you can do. This is a good example of that.

Walking and Jumping On Your HandsWalking and Jumping On Your Hands on Amazon

If you take the time and work on it hard enough you too can be doing feats like Jimmy. And I promise more of the great stuff from these magazines soon including great photos.

Now on to a couple of business issues.

It’s been wild over here with the release of the new Hand Balancing Mastery Course. If you have ordered one then it was shipped out today with the first batch of deliveries.

If your waiting on the fence then you might want to get off, because there is one more free t-shirt available to the next person who orders.

I realized that releasing the course right around a major holiday here in the US might not have been the best idea. Many people stay away from there computers to spend time with their families to celebrate Thanksgiving.

So if you missed all that has happened then be sure to check out the Hand Balancing Mastery Course.

There will be lots of new articles, old school pictures, and even new sections added to the site in the coming weeks.

In the mean time keep up the hand balancing. If anyone wants to duplicate Jimmy’s feat then let me know because I want to hear about. Please be careful though.

Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher

P.S. You can get a free t-shirt as well as the greatest course in hand balancing history if you act fast by going to see the Hand Balancing Mastery Course.

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