Tag Archives | Gymnastics

A Celebratory Ring Challenge!

Hey Guys! In today’s post, we have a fun and quick challenge for you. The year is getting off to a great start and people are losing weight, building muscle, and most importantly development their mindful movement. So we wanted to kick things off with an easy challenge we found to test you. Micheal demonstrates a conditioning circuit of 3 exercises with 5 reps each in succession. Try these 3 and see the immense strength that you can build!

1)Muscle – Ups

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon






Watch the full video below!

If the conditioning challenge was hard, you still have a chance to get the revamped Rings One Program and if you act before tonight ends, you can receive two special bonuses including shoulder health and a conditioning workout using the gymnastic rings!

Stay Inverted!
-Coach Jon

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Blast From the Past: Back Lever Leg Raises

Hey guys! Check out this blast from the past on the Gymnastic Rings from Logan! In this Video, Logan performs a Back Lever into a Leg Raise.


Back Lever Leg Raises are a great way to mimic a Reverse Hyper Machine while using Rings.


Take a look at Logan’s demo below!

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

Don’t forget that our friends at Gold Medal Bodies have revamped their Rings One Program and if you act before tomorrow ends, you can receive two special bonuses including shoulder health and a conditioning workout using the gymnastic rings!

Stay Inverted!
-Coach Jon

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Happy Hump day and what would you like!?


Happy Hump Day everybody! As you all know we have been working hard making Lost Art of Hand Balancing bigger and better! A part of that process is in seeing what you guys are interested in. Which tips you found the most benefits in and also what you would like to see in the future. So, with that said, we’d appreciate it if you send us a shout and let us know what YOU WANT!

Stay Inverted!
-Coach Jon

Trampoline Handbook
Trampoline Handbook on Amazon


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Hand Balancing in Costa Rica

Mauricio Jara is a tricking master from Costa Rica. Tricking is a training discipline similar to capoeira which combines martial arts kicks with gymnastics and breakdancing. He recently shared a video on one of the aspects of this discipline – gymnastics, with a focus on hand balancing.

Sit back and enjoy this mind-soothing handstand compilation.

Interested in tricking videos by Mauricio? Check out his Facebook page here.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon
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Incredible Training Compilation by Daniel Tsinis

Here’s an awesome video compilation of various hand balancing moves from an ex-gymnast who just recently changed the focus of his training to hand balancing. Lots of presses, one arm hand balancing, handstands…

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon

Weather you’re a fan of hand balancing, tumbling, breakdancing or gymnastics in general, I promise you’ll enjoy this video by Daniel Tsinis.

Click here to start your hand balancing training today.

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Stunning Horizontal Bar Performance by Kohei Uchmura

2014 World Gymnastics Championships was held in China last month and Kohei Uchmura won the men’s all-around final. This was Kohei’s 5th World title, but he also holds the Olympic title, making him one of the best gymnasts in the history.

His performance on the horizontal bar left quite an impression on me and I thought it’s worth sharing with you.

Start moving your body in AMAZING ways with everything you learn in Tumbling and Acrobatics Starter Package.

Hand Balancing Made EasyHandBalancingMadeEasy_on_Amazon
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How to Become a Performer in Cirque Du Soleil

What does it take to become a performer in Cirque Du Soleil?

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon

16×9 crew followed Cirque Du Soleil members for four months in order to show you just how tough their training is and how good you need to be in order to become a part of the most popular theatrical production company in the world.

Even though this video is not entirely focused on subjects relevant to this website, like hand balancing and gymnastics, it’s well worth watching the entire episode. Enjoy!

P.S. If you’re not quite ready to become a part of Cirque Du Soleil, check out these resources and take that first step in the right direction.

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Bar Kip Tutorial

Over the years I’ve only done a little bit of bar work. I remember one day back in gymnastics I decided to try out the bar kip. The other people there told me how to do it and in a couple tries I had it down.

This video shows you how its done.

To do the bar kip you need to learn how to use your body. Its not so much a strength move (though a foundation of strength is necessary) but learning how to divert your force when and where needed. You need to be tight at certain parts and explode in others.

The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing
The True Art and Science of Hand Balancing on Amazon

Though the end result is being over the bar, this is different than a muscle up, done on the bar. That is more of a pullup or bent arm exercise into the position, even if kipping is used to aid in the movement, while this is straight armed mostly and done completely with body momentum. Of course both are great, just different applications. Actually now that I think about it, you’d probably get benefit in training both of these, in order to improve both to some degree.

If you want more from the Tapp Brothers I recommend checking out their Parkour Crash Course or How to do the Backflip.

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November Gymnastic Progress

I put together a short video showing some on the recent progress I’ve made in gymnastics. There’s plenty of other things but I don’t get everything on film.

The first move shown here is a back lever on the rings. This is a strength movement that requires whole body tightness and coordination. You’ll noticed I’m straddling the legs which lessens the leverage slightly.

Just lowering into a horizontal position takes skill, especially being able to know when you’re parallel to the ground. It’s helpful to have someone tell you when you’re there.

As in the case with all these moves I had better attempts but they weren’t always caught on film.

The next move is an aerial. This is like a cartwheel done without the use of the arms. I still figured I was weeks or even months off from being able to do these but all of a sudden I was successful.

This move tends to be much easier for women due to hip flexibility. What I may lack in there I try to make up for in power. The landing was not graceful but I have since duplicated the move gradually making more improvement.

The third is a goal I set just because I thought it would be fun. My goal is 10 backflips in a row. In the video I do seven. Since then I have hit nine.

The difficult part about this is two-fold. One, I get dizzy and my take-off becomes less vertical giving me less space to flip. Secondly, it’s tiring to do such an explosive move over and over.

Hope you enjoyed the video. With my new gym I have some exciting projects in store. Stay tuned.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups
Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups on Amazon

Good Luck and Good Gymnastics,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Nothing takes the place of practice but learning is a way to start and build the foundation. To do many of the moves I recommend Tumbling Illustrated. You’ll learn tons of tumbling moves whether you’re beginner or advanced.

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Victorian on Rings

Here is a video of a great routine, even including a rarely seen Victorian on the rings at 0:08 by Stanford’s Peter Derman.

Obviously quite impressive.

These skills may be way beyond your ability but that doesn’t mean you can’t be inspired by them.

Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days
Learn How to Back Flip in 31 Days on Amazon

In my gymnastics class I’ve talked quite a bit about the tumbling and even parallel bars and progress is still coming fast there. But I also play around with the rings.

For the first time I hit multiple muscle-ups on the rings in a row without re-gripping. Never worked on that before. Also working a bit towards one arm chinnups. Still have a long ways to go there.

Another thing that is inspiring is that there’s a couple guys there that can just about do the iron cross. Watching videos is one thing but seeing it live and up close is another.

If you get around people that are better than you, you have no choice but to be pulled upwards.

Good Luck and Good Gymnastics,
Logan Christopher

P.S. Want your own pair of Gymnastic Rings? You can get them here…

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